To create a lot, you must have the Create raw material lots permission. If you do not have the permission to perform this task, request
your administrator to provide the permission using Security. For more information, refer to Create a Role.
You must clock on an operation to consume or create a lot. If the operation is not
clocked on, the SCAN SERIAL/LOT# box is not enabled.
About this task
As an operator, you can create a lot in the
BOM section if the lot is not available for consumption while
executing an operation.
Log in to Plant Applications Web Client.
Select Work Queue.
Access the operation for which you want to specify the consumption of BOM
The page for the operation appears, displaying the
Documents section. On the BOM tab, a
number appears, which indicates the total number of mandatory BOM items to be
consumed for all the serials/lots that you have clocked on for the
Select BOM.
A list of serials/lots appears.
Select the BOM item whose consumption you want to specify.
A window appears, providing information on the required quantity of the BOM
item, whether consuming the BOM item is mandatory to complete the operation, and the
quantity that has been already consumed for the serial/lot.
Select the serial/lot for which you want to specify the consumption of BOM
A list of BOM items for the selected serial/lot appears in the
While consuming a lot, enter the lot number of the BOM item you want to consume in
In the QTY TO CONSUME box, enter the quantity of the BOM
items you want to consume in the operation.
Select Consume.
A message appears, indicating that the lot number you entered is not
available in the Plant Applications database and if you want to create a lot.
In the Material drop-down box, select the material you want
from the Primary Material. You can also select substitutions
for the material from the Substitutions drop-down list.
In the EQUIPMENT drop-down list box, select an equipment on
which you want to consume the lot.
Note: A list of equipment or units appears based on your product and equipment
configuration, the unit of measure (UOM) of the BOM item, and the equipment. Based
on these conditions, you can do one of the following:
Select one of the equipment if more than one equipment is available in the
Plant Applications database.
By default, an equipment appears in the EQUIPMENT
drop-down list box if there is only one equipment available in the Plant Applications database.
Create a lot on your current equipment if there is no equipment available
in the Plant Applications database that matches with these conditions. However, you can create a
lot on your current equipment only when the UOMs of your equipment and BOM
item match.
Else, an error message appears, indicating that the unit of measure (UOM) of
the equipment does not match with the UOM of the BOM item. For more information on
the error messages that you might see while creating a lot, refer to the section
Error Messages while Creating a Lot.
In the QTY TO CREATE field, enter the quantity of the BOM
items that you want to consume on the lot.
The quantity to consume value in the QTY TO CONSUME
field is populated as provided in the Consume section
of that material.
You must ensure that the mandatory quantity of the material specified in
Route Editor for an operation is consumed while performing the operation in Unit Operations.
Select Yes.
A lot is created in the Plant Applications database and the quantity of BOM items specified are consumed from the lot