Licensing Virtual Machines

Use a host personal computer as the Local License Server to license virtual machines (VMs). This is particularly useful when your PC has multiple product software versions, each running on a unique VM.

About this task

The host PC must be connected to the internet for the initial licensing of the Local License Server from the Cloud License Server. After the license is activated, the host PC does not need to stay connected. The VM computer then connects to the host PC using its hostname to check out the license for its own use. Alternatively, you can activate licenses through the offline process. The Local License Server help has details on how to do this.

If multiple VMs are running concurrently, you will need multiple licenses from the Local License Server. If only one VM is in running, you can check out the license and return it to the Local License Server when done. You can then launch the second VM and check out the same license. If you do not release the license, there is an expiration date when the lease is automatically returned to the host PC. You configure this date in the License License Server Settings tool in the host PC. The default is 21 days.


  1. In the host PC, run Common Licensing and do the following:
    1. Select Install Local License Server.
    2. Select Install License Server Tools.
    3. Launch the Local License Server Administration Tool.
    4. Add a license to the server by selecting Add Licenses on the Licenses tab.
    5. Enter the activation code of the license and select Next.
      The license is retrieved from the License Server and stored in the host PC (Local License Server).
    6. Verify the license was transferred to the host PC by selecting View Licenses.
    7. Specify hostname in the command prompt to determine and record the host PC name. In the following example, the host PC name is A-Computer.
  2. In the VM computer, do the following:
    1. Ping the host PC in the VM command prompt to verify connectivity, as shown below.
      C:\Users\aUser>ping A-Computer
      When connected, replies from the host PC appear.
    2. Run Common Licensing and select Install License Client.
    3. Launch the Local License Client in the VM.
    4. When prompted to activate the license in the Activate Licensing tab, select option 2 (Yes, for this computer from a local license server).
    5. In the next screen, change the value in the Local Server connection URL field to http://<host PC name>, such as, select Display Available Licenses, select the license, and then select Activate.
    6. Verify the license exists in the client in the View Licenses tab.
      After the lease expiration date, you may need to reconnect to the host PC to check out its license.