Server Management

OPC UA Server connections can be edited using the Details panel. After selecting a server configuration in the Connections panel, the Details panel populates the server connection information.

The ENDPOINT URL field takes the host name or IP address and port used to connect with the OPC UA Server. For example: opc.tcp://MyServer:51400/. The format of this URL (with the machine name, IP address, or fully qualified domain name) is defined on the OPC UA Server.

The authentication type can be set to Anonymous or UserName/Password. It is recommended that you select UserName/Password to provide the highest level of security. Anonymous does not provide any protection for accessing data or logging.

If the UserName/Password option is selected, enter the user name and password to connect to the OPC UA Server.

After editing the server details, the Save button on the toolbar is enabled to indicate that the Connections panel has changes to be saved. On clicking the Save button, the changes made to server connections are persisted until the changes are published to the iFIX node.

In addition to editing a server connection, the connections panel supports creating groups under the server connections and deleting them. When an OPC UA server connection is created, a default group is created.

Groups under a server connection allows you to configure the publishing interval, and sampling interval. Any application requesting data from the OPC UA Server uses group names to access items in the group. Group names can be up to 19 alphanumeric characters including underscores ( _ ) and hyphens ( - ).