Overview of Project Security

Configuration Hub allows you to manage your iFIX users, groups, and security areas from the Project Security panel. It also allows you to access iFIX Auto Login settings.

Overview of Project Security

To access Project Security settings:

  • From the Navigation panel, select your node, the iFIX project, and then Project Security. The Project Security menu appears as shown in the following figure.

From the Project Security panel, you can do the following:

Limitations for Project Security Settings in Configuration Hub

When configuring security settings from the Project Security panel, be aware that assignment of direct Application Features and Security Areas is not supported from the Users page of the Project Security panel. To do this, use the security Groups page.

For iFIX users which already have Application Features and/or Security Areas assigned outside of Configuration Hub, be aware that:
  • Those details will not be shown in Configuration Hub. However, you can view other user details and still can edit these users through Configuration Hub.
  • After editing and publishing these iFIX users, their existing Application Features and Security Areas assignments will remain intact and other edits will get applied to that user.
  • When deploying these iFIX users, existing Application Features and Security Areas assignments will be lost as only user information that is visible in Configuration Hub is sent to target node when the Deploy is performed.