The PRT Status ( prt_status ) configuration file is used to assign a status code for each valid region status; for example, capacity, sequential error, invalid or unknown type, etc. Similarly, a record is configured for each valid item status; for example, hold, no-hold, delayed, etc. A number of statuses have predefined records, and you may configure additional records to define other status types.


The fields are:

No. Field Name Description Data Type Entry Example
0 status_code Unique code to identify the status of the region or item. 8 characters CTRLWTRK
1 code_type Unique code representing what you are defining a status code for, as follows: 0 =  Region Status Code 1 =  Item Status Code 2 =  Reserved One byte 0
2 code_desc Textual description of the status code. 40 characters Blank
3 code_label Text to display with the status code for user recognition. Must be unique. 16 characters Control w/track
4 bit_set Bit to be set by PRT that will represent this status code. Long word 22