The PRT Route ( prt_route.idt ) configuration file is used to define all of the routes that exist between regions. This enables automatic transition of items based on changes in CIMPLICITY Point values.


The fields are:

No. Field Name Description Data Type Entry Example
0 orig_region_id Name of the source region (where the item will exit). 16 characters NULL
1 dest_region_id Name of the destination region (where the item will enter). 16 characters SRC1
2 item_type_id Unique name for the item type that will travel between the two regions. Use the wild card character (*) to validate all item types through this route. 16 characters NULL
3 transition_ptid Point ID that represents the transition between the two regions. 55 characters X_S1
4 set_ptid Point ID that will display when the item is transitioned. Must be of class, Text and should be no motre than 36 characters. Data is displayed as follows: 16 characters – Item Type ID. 20 characters – Item ID when item type is serialized; otherwise, associated or parent item ID. 55 characters T_S1
5 translation_id Depending on Field 6 ( translation_ type_code ), configure as follows: translation_type_code = 2: translation to use to interpret this transition indicator. translation_type_code = 3, 4 or 5: Up to 3 characters that will be attached as a prefix to the Point value prior to processing. This allows items with the same ID to be identified in different parts of the factory. translation_type_code = 1, 6 or 7: NOT USED. 16 characters NULL
6 translation_type_code Unique code to represent the tracking indicator type as follows: One byte 3
1 Limit switch
2 Type detector (integer Point)
3 Automatic Item ID displaying Item ID (Text Point)
4 Automatic Item ID displaying Reference ID (Text Point)
5 Associated Reference ID to Item (Text Point)
6 Associated Item Type to Item (Integer Point)
7 Positive Edge Trigger (transition occurs when value changes from zero to nonzero)
8 Negative Edge Trigger (transition occurs when value changes from nonzero to zero)
7 Process_first_ ptchange
  • FALSE or undefined transition point ignores the first point change of a route.
  • TRUE processes the first point change as a transition point.