The PRT Region Attribute Counter Definitions ( prt_reg_at ) configuration file is used to define counters in item attributes. This will in turn trigger the action taken when an item containing the defined attribute enters the region.


The fields are:

No. Field Name Description Data Type Entry Example
0 region Name of the region where the operation will take place 16 characters OVEN1
1 reserved_fld GE Intelligent Platforms reserved. 16 characters Blank
2 att_name Name of the attribute containing the counter. 16 characters ITEM_COUNT
3 start_byte Index of the first character of the count within the attribute, i.e. 1-16. A value of 0 indicates use of the entire attribute. Long word 0
4 end_byte Index of the last character of the count within the attribute, i.e. 1-16. Long word 3
5 op_code Operation type code that is to impact the counter, as follows: One character I
I Increment
D Decrease
P Preset
6 alarm_value Enter the value that will generate an alarm based on the op_code field, as follows: Long word 4
I (Increment) Over value will generate alarm.
D (Decrease) Under value will generate alarm.
P (Preset) value is equal to the preset value.