Important: You do not have the latest version of CIMPLICITY! You are missing out on the newest capabilities and enhanced security. For information on all the latest features, see the CIMPLICITY product page. For more information on upgrades, contact your GE Digital sales agent or e-mail GE Digital Sales Support. For the most up-to-date documentation, go here.
Use the IDTPOP Utility
Select Tools>Command Prompt on the CIMPLICITY Workbench menu bar.
The Command window opens in the project's directory.
Enter the following.
Type cd master
Press ENTER to switch to the master directory.
Type idtpop <filename>, e.g. idtpop prt_region.
Important: Do not include the file extension in the filename..
Press ENTER.
Production Tracker process the records in the file and displays the number processed.
Type <text editor> <filename.idt>, e.g.notepad prt_region.idt.
Press ENTER.
The text editor will open with the ASCII-text version of the file displayed.