The PRT Region Item Attribute Display Point ( prt_att_pt ) configuration file is used to define the setpoint ID that will hold the value for an item attribute in a region location. This file must be configured when prt_grd is configured.
The fields are:
No. | Field Name | Description | Data Type | Entry Example |
0 | gd_service_id | Unique name of the Process Service ID. | 32 characters | PRTGRD |
1 | region_id | Unique name for the region. | 16 characters | OVEN1 |
2 | item_att_name | Textual description of the item attribute, as follows: PRT_ITEM_ID PRT_REFERENCE_ID PRT_ITEM_TYPE_ID PRT_ITEM_STATUS PRT_ASSOC_ITEM Note: When using prt_item_status in this field, the values in att_start_loc and att_end_loc must both be 0. | 16 characters | ITEM_ID |
3 | display_ptid | Unique name of the array point. The definition of the point depends on the item_att_name field, as follows: PRT_ITEM_ID – Point class must be Text; Point type must define a text size of at least 20. PRT_REFERENCE_ID – Point class must be Text; Point type must define a text size of at least 20. PRT_ITEM_TYPE_ID – Point class must be Text; Point type must define a text size of at least 20. PRT_ITEM_STATUS – Point class must be Analog; Point type must be ANALOG_U32. PRT_ASSOC – Point class must be Text; Point type must define a text size of at least 20. User defined – Point class must be Text. The number of region locations covered by the Point determines the number of elements needed. Use this formula to calculate the number of elements: ( end_loc ) – ( start_loc ) + 1 | 55 characters | OVEN1_ INDEX |
4 | start_loc | First location in the region covered by this Point. If this value is '-2', then the Point displays data from the last <n> items in the region, where <n> is the number of elements in the Point. | Integer | 1 |
5 | end_loc | Last location in the region covered by this Point. Due to a restriction on Point size, one Point may not be able to cover an entire region; in which case, the region must be broken into subsets. Each subset as defined by a starting and ending location, is covered by a single Point. | Integer | 25 |
6 | att_start_loc | First location in the attribute to parse when setting value of display_ptid . The default value is 0. See Note. | Integer | 0 |
7 | att_end_loc | Last location in the attribute to parse when setting value of display_ptid . The default value is 0. See Note. | Integer | 0 |
8 | item_class_id | Name of the item class that can provide values for this Point. If a class is not specified, any item type will provide data. If more than one item matches the item filtering, the value of the Point is indeterminate. | 16 characters | DRYER |
Note: The value of (
+ 1) can be no greater than the data length of
When using the default value (0) in either the att_end_loc or the att_start_loc field, the entire attribute will be transferred to display_ptid and no parsing will take place.