Thickness Monitoring

Deploy TM for the First Time

Before You Begin

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. GE Vernova recommends, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


1Review the TM data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment families. Via Configuration Manager, modify the relationship definitions as needed. This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.
2 Assign Security Users to one or more of the Security Roles used in TM.

This step is required.

User must have permissions to the TM families in order to use the TM functionality.

3Assign Resource Roles to users by performing the following steps:
  1. Access the Human Resource record for each user.
  2. In the Role box, select TM Technician.

This step is required to allow a user (typically, a TM Inspector) to enter details in an Inspection record.

4 Configure Family Preference Application Settings.

This step is required.

You must configure preferences for the families that will be used to store equipment data in Thickness Monitoring.

The following relationships must be defined:

  • For the Equipment family, the Asset to Subcomponent Relationship field must be set to Has TML Group, and the Component ID field must be set to Equipment ID. The Subcomponent to Asset Relationship field should be left blank.
  • For the TML Group family, the Subcomponent to Asset Relationship field must be set to Has TML Group, and the Component ID field must be set to TML Group ID. The Asset to Subcomponent Relationship field should be left blank.
5 Configure Global Preference Application Settings. This step is required only if you want to use custom reading preferences and Nominal T-Min preferences. Baseline reading preferences and Nominal T-Min preferences will be used if you do not define your own. You can also define additional, optional global preferences that are not defined in the baseline APM database.
6 Configure the system to use custom TML Types. This step is required only if you want to use custom TML Types. You can define additional TML Types to use in your Corrosion Analyses.
7 Manage Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup records. This step is required only if you want to view or modify Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup records whose values are used to perform certain TM calculations.
8 Define additional fields that will be displayed in the header section of the TM Measurement Data Entry. This step is required only if default Thickness Measurement fields are displayed on the headings of these pages in the baseline APM database. You can specify that additional fields be displayed in the header section of these pages.
9 Disable the Auto Manage Tasks setting. This step is required only if you are planning to use TM tasks.
10 Install the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring. If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
11Install the drivers and supporting files for any devices on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use these devices to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring.

Upgrade or Update Thickness Monitoring to V4.

Before You Begin

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V4. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    2Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    3Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    2Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    3Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Corrosion Distribution
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Excessive Corrosion
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Thickness Inspections
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/TM Assets
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/TM Assets Requiring a Calculation
    This step is required if you have modified any of the following queries:
    • Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Thickness Inspections
    • TM Assets
    • TM Assets Requiring a Calculation
    Note: If you have not modified any of the above mentioned queries, you do not have to complete this step for the specified query.
    2Uninstall the previous version of the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring.
    3 Install the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring. If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    4If you have previously modified the following Pipe Properties records, follow the steps mentioned in KBA 000048342 to get the updated values for the records.
    ScheduleNominal Diameter - NPSNominal Diameter - DNOutside DiameterNominal Wall Thickness (Old)Internal Diameter (Old)Nominal Wall Thickness (New)Internal Diameter (New)
    302.5652.875 (inches)0.125 (inches)2.625 (inches)0.188 (inches)2.499 (inches)
    403690036 (inches)0.688 (inches)34.624 (inches)0.75 (inches)34.5 (inches)
    This step is optional.
    5If you have modified the datasheets for the following families, the datasheets must be reverted to use the new fields. Alternatively, the following fields can be added to the modified datasheets:
    TML GroupTML GroupTML Group Type
    Thickness Measurement LocationThickness Measurement LocationThe following fields are added to the Piping sub-section:
    • Position
    • Previous Position
    • Band
    • Previous Band
    Thickness MeasurementsThickness Measurements
    • Calculated
    • Measurement Status Indicator Basis
    This step is required only if you want to use the Piping Rotation workflow.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    7Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    8Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    9Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    10Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Uninstall the previous version of the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring.
    2 Install the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring. If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    3If you have previously modified the following Pipe Properties records, follow the steps mentioned in KBA 000048342 to get the updated values for the records.
    ScheduleNominal Diameter - NPSNominal Diameter - DNOutside DiameterNominal Wall Thickness (Old)Internal Diameter (Old)Nominal Wall Thickness (New)Internal Diameter (New)
    302.5652.875 (Inches)0.125 (Inches)2.625 (Inches)0.188 (Inches)2.499 (Inches)
    403690036 (Inches)0.688 (Inches)34.624 (Inches)0.75 (Inches)34.5 (Inches)
    This step is optional.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    5Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    6Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    7Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    8Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.2.0.0 through V4.
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    6Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.1.0.0 through V4.
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    6Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.0.0.0 through V4.0.1.0
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update PV Stress content and stress lookup fields for Thickness Measurement Locations for Non-Piping Assets.This step is required only if you want to use the Pressure Vessel stress content with updated Material Grade in accordance with Tables 1A and 1B of ASME Section II, Part D, 2010. For more information, refer to KBA 000038584.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    6Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.1 through V3.
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 SP1 LP through V3.
    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in
    This step is required.

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    3Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 through V3.

    Manually update TM Analyses for which you used custom corrosion rates. To do so:

    1. Locate the records that you will need to update by running the following query:

      SELECT [MI_EQUIP000].[MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C] "Equipment ID", [MI_TMLGROUP].[MI_TMLGROUP_ID_C] "TML Group ID", [MI Thickness Measurement Location].[MI_DP_ASSET_ID_CHR] "TML Asset ID", [MI Thickness Measurement Location].[MI_DP_ID_CHR] "TML ID", [MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_A_CR_N] "Custom Calculation A Corros", [MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_B_CR_N] "Custom Calculation B Corros" FROM [MI_EQUIP000] JOIN_SUCC [MI_TMLGROUP] JOIN_SUCC [MI Thickness Measurement Location] JOIN_SUCC [MI TML Corrosion Analysis] ON {MI Has Corrosion Analyses} ON {MI Has Datapoints} ON {MIR_HSTMLGP} WHERE ([MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_A_CR_N] > 0 AND [MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_B_CR_N] > 0)

    2. Use the Bulk Analyze tool to update TM Analyses associated with the Equipment and TML Group records returned by this query.

      These instructions assume that you are using the baseline Equipment and TML Group families. If you use custom equipment families, you must replace the following values before running the query in order to identify the records requiring update:

      • MI_EQUIP000 and MI_TMLGROUP with your custom family IDs.
      • MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C and MI_TMLGROUP_ID_C with the field IDs used to identify these custom equipment records.
    3. Run the Bulk Analyze tool using your custom records.

    This step is required only if, in previous versions of Meridium APM, you used custom corrosion rates in your TM Analyses. If you did so, certain fields in the associated TML Corrosion Analysis records were populated with values using the unit of measure (UOM) inches per day instead of IN/YR (TM) (i.e., inches per year), which is the UOM that is specified in the properties of the fields. To correct this issue in existing records, you must perform this step to manually update TM Analyses. For more information about this issue, see the V3.5.1 Release Notes.

    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    4Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    5Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    6Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.4.5 through V3.

    Update certain TM Analyses to correct TML Corrosion Analyses for which you performed measurement variance evaluation prior to APM. To do so:

    1. Locate the records that you will need to update by creating a query that returns TML Corrosion Analyses whose:
      • Short Term Corrosion Rate field contains the value 0 (zero).
      • Allowable Measurement Variance Applied field is set to True.
    2. Use the Bulk Analyze tool to update TM Analyses that are associated with TML Corrosion Analyses returned by the query you created in step 1.
    This step is required.

    Manually update TM Analyses for which you used custom corrosion rates. To do so:

    1. Locate the records that you will need to update by running the following query:

      SELECT [MI_EQUIP000].[MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C] "Equipment ID", [MI_TMLGROUP].[MI_TMLGROUP_ID_C] "TML Group ID", [MI Thickness Measurement Location].[MI_DP_ASSET_ID_CHR] "TML Asset ID", [MI Thickness Measurement Location].[MI_DP_ID_CHR] "TML ID", [MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_A_CR_N] "Custom Calculation A Corros", [MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_B_CR_N] "Custom Calculation B Corros" FROM [MI_EQUIP000] JOIN_SUCC [MI_TMLGROUP] JOIN_SUCC [MI Thickness Measurement Location] JOIN_SUCC [MI TML Corrosion Analysis] ON {MI Has Corrosion Analyses} ON {MI Has Datapoints} ON {MIR_HSTMLGP} WHERE ([MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_A_CR_N] > 0 AND [MI TML Corrosion Analysis].[MI_TML_CA_B_CR_N] > 0)

    2. Use the Bulk Analyze tool to update TM Analyses associated with the Equipment and TML Group records returned by this query.

      These instructions assume that you are using the baseline Equipment and TML Group families. If you use custom equipment families, you must replace the following values before running the query in order to identify the records requiring update:

      • MI_EQUIP000 and MI_TMLGROUP with your custom family IDs.
      • MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C and MI_TMLGROUP_ID_C with the field IDs used to identify these custom equipment records.
    3. Run the Bulk Analyze tool using your custom records.

    This step is required only if, in previous versions of Meridium APM, you used custom corrosion rates in your TM Analyses. If you did so, certain fields in the associated TML Corrosion Analysis records were populated with values using the unit of measure (UOM) inches per day instead of IN/YR (TM) (i.e., inches per year), which is the UOM that is specified in the properties of the fields. To correct this issue in existing records, you must perform this step to manually update TM Analyses. For more information about this issue, see the V3.5.1 Release Notes.

    If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in

    Revert the following Thickness Monitoring queries to baseline:

    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Assets with TM Tasks
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Corrosion Distribution
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Excessive Corrosion
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months
    • Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Thickness Inspections

    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:

    • Assets Near or Past Retirement.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion.
    • Remaining Life Less Than 180 Months.
    • Thickness Inspections.
    5Update the datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family by adding the Minimum Thickness Type Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of the Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.
    6Update the datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family by adding the T-Min Formula Policy Field.
    If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
    • Using the Family Management, edit the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.
    7Update the values in the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field from the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field.

    This will be automatically done by a Utility during an upgrade process. User does not need to do anything.

    Below is the mapping from the existing data to the new data:
    Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete)Minimum Thickness Type
    User DefinedUSER DEFINED
    Note: Any other values other than NULL will be mapped to USER DEFINED.

Revert the Thickness Monitoring Queries to Baseline

This action is required only if you have modified the Thickness Monitoring queries.

About This Task

If you have modified the following Thickness Monitoring queries, perform the following steps to revert the queries to baseline:
  • Assets Near or Past Retirement
  • Assets with TM Tasks
  • Corrosion Distribution
  • Excessive Corrosion
  • Remaining Life Less than 180 Months
  • Thickness Inspections
  • TM Assets
  • TM Assets Requiring a Calculation


  1. Access the Catalog page.
  2. Navigate to the Public folder for the query that you want to revert.
    For Thickness Monitoring, the public queries are stored in the following folder:
    Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries
  3. Select the check box next to the query that you want to revert, and then select .
    The Confirm Delete window appears, asking you to confirm if you want to delete the selected query.
  4. Select OK.
    The selected query is deleted.
  5. Navigate to the Baseline folder for queries.
    For Thickness Monitoring, the baseline queries are stored in the following folder:
    Baseline/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries
  6. Select the check box next to the query that you want to revert, and then select .
    The Catalog Folder Browser window appears.
  7. Navigate to the folder containing the public query that you deleted in step 3.
  8. Select OK.
    A success message appears indicating that the selected item has been copied successfully.
  9. Repeat Steps 2-8 for each query that you want to revert to baseline.

Use Custom TML Analysis Types

The baseline APM database includes the Thickness Measurement Location family, which contains the TML Analysis Type field. This field is used to classify TMLs based upon the collection method that will be used for recording Thickness Measurements at that location.

The TML Analysis Type field contains a list of values that is populated with the Corrosion Inspection Type values from all Corrosion Analysis Settings records that are associated with the asset or TML Group to which the Thickness Measurement Location record is linked.

The values that are used to populate the Corrosion Inspection Type field in the Corrosion Analysis Settings family are stored in the System Code Table CITP (Corrosion Inspection Type). In the baseline APM database, this table contains three System Codes: UT, RT, and TML. You can only create Thickness Measurement Location records with a given TML Analysis Type value if an associated Corrosion Analysis Settings record contains the same value in the Corrosion Inspection Type field.

Using the baseline functionality, you can separate Corrosion Analysis calculations into groups based upon TML Analysis Type. If you want to use this functionality, you will want to classify your TMLs as UT (measurements collected using ultrasonic thickness) or RT (measurements collected using radiographic thickness). This separation will be desirable for some implementations. Other implementations will prefer not to separate TMLs according to collection method and instead perform calculations on the entire group of TMLs that exists for an asset. For these implementations, you will want to classify all TMLs using the TML Analysis Type TML.

Depending upon your preferred implementation, you may choose to make one or more of the following changes to the System Code Table CITP (Corrosion Inspection Type):

  • Add System Codes if you want to classify TMLs using methods in addition to UT and RT.
  • Delete System Codes that you do not want to use.
  • Modify the IDs and descriptions of the System Codes so that the classification options are more intuitive to your users.

If you make changes to this System Code Table, keep in mind that the analysis types that are stored in the System Code Table CITP (Corrosion Inspection Type) will be used when you create Corrosion Analysis Settings records, and therefore, will determine the analysis types for which you can create Thickness Measurement Location records.

Additionally, in Thickness Measurement Location records, the TML Analysis Type field has a baseline Default Value rule that is coded to present UT as the default value when you have defined the UT TML Analysis Type in your Corrosion Analysis (i.e., you have created a Corrosion Analysis Settings record with a Corrosion Inspection Type of UT). You could modify this rule if, for example, you wanted RT to be presented as the default value when you have defined the RT TML Analysis Type in your Corrosion Analysis (i.e., you have created a Corrosion Analysis Settings record with a Corrosion Inspection Type of RT). To do this, you would modify the MI_TML_TYPE_CHR class as follows:

            <MetadataField("MI_TML_TYPE_CHR")>  _
            Public Class MI_TML_TYPE_CHR
                Inherits Baseline.MI_Thickness_Measurement_Location.MI_TML_TYPE_CHR
                Public Sub New(ByVal record As Meridium.Core.DataManager.DataRecord, ByVal field As Meridium.Core.DataManager.DataField)
                    MyBase.New(record, field)
                End Sub
                Public Overrides Function GetDefaultInitialValue() As Object
                    Return CStr("RT")
                End Function
            End Class
Note: For more information on customizing baseline rules, refer to the Rules section of the documentation.

Install the Meridium Device Service

About This Task

Important: You must repeat this procedure on every machine to which a datalogger will be connected.
Note: If you are using Predix APM or the URL is secured (https), follow the instructions in KBA 000055071 to install the Meridium Device Service.


  1. Access the TM Dataloggers page.
  2. In the Select TMLs pane, select the check box next to a TML, and then select Apply.
  3. Select Send To Device.
    Note: A datalogger does not need to be connected.
    The Meridium Device Service Not Found window appears.

  4. Select the Download link.
    MeridiumDevices.exe is downloaded.
  5. Run MeridiumDevices.exe, and then follow the instructions in the installer.
    The Meridium Device Service is installed.
  6. In the Meridium Device Service Not Found window, select Continue.
    Dataloggers can now be used with Thickness Monitoring.

Configure the Meridium Device Service


  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Meridium\Services.
  2. Using a text editor, open the Meridium.Service.Devices.exe.config file.
  3. In the text editor, navigate to the appSettings section (lines 24 to 28).
    • On line 25, edit the port number used by the service.

      Note: The datalogger settings in Thickness Monitoring must be modified so that the port number matches the one defined in this step.
    • On line 26, edit the timeout value in milliseconds. By default, the value for this setting is 60000, or 1 minute.
    • On line 27, if your organization utilizes a different URL protocol for APM, edit the protocol the service should use. For example, http://* can be changed to https://*.
  4. Save the file, and then close the text editor.
  5. Restart the Meridium Device Service.

    The Meridium Device Service configuration settings are updated.

Thickness Measurement Location – Update Datasheet

The default datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family has been updated to include the newly added Minimum Thickness Type field:
FamilyFamily IDDatasheet Updated (Default)
Thickness Measurement LocationMI Thickness Measurement LocationThickness Measurement Location
If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Measurement Location family and want to see the Minimum Thickness Type data, you must do the following:
  • Using the Family Management, modify the default datasheet of the MI Thickness Measurement Location family. Remove the existing Minimum Thickness Type (Obsolete) field and add the Minimum Thickness Type field in the Datasheet.

Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup – Update Datasheet

The default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family has been updated to include the newly added T-Min Formula Policy field:
FamilyFamily IDDatasheet Updated (Default)
Thickness Monitoring Rules LookupThickness Monitoring Rules LookupMI_TMIN_CRL
If you have customized the default datasheet of Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family and want to see the T-Min Formula Policy data, you must do the following:
  • Using Family Management, modify the default datasheet Thickness Monitoring Rules Lookup family. Add the T-Min Formula Policy field in the Datasheet.

TM Functional Security Privileges

APM provides the following baseline Security Groups for use with Thickness Monitoring and provides baseline family-level privileges for these groups:

  • MI Thickness Monitoring Administrator
  • MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector
  • MI Thickness Monitoring User

Access to certain functions in APM is determined by membership in these Security Groups. Note that in addition to the baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups, users will also need at least View privileges for all customer-defined predecessor or successor families that participate in the Thickness Monitoring relationships. Keep in mind that:

  • Users who will need to create new records in TM will need Insert privileges to these families.
  • Users who will need to modify records will need Update privileges to these families.
  • Any user who should be allowed to delete TM records will need Delete privileges to these families.

The following table summarizes the functional privileges associated with each group.

FunctionCan be done by members of the MI Thickness Monitoring Administrator Group?Can be done by members of the MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector Group?Can be done by members of the MI Thickness Monitoring User Group?
Configure Global PreferencesYesNoNo
Configure Family PreferencesYesNoNo
Use the T-Min CalculatorNoYesNo
Archive Corrosion RatesNoYesNo
Reset the Maximum Historical Corrosion Rate


Exclude TMLsNoYesNo
Renew TMLsNoYesNo
Reset User PreferencesYesNoNo

APM provides the following baseline Security Groups for use with Thickness Monitoring and provides baseline family-level privileges for these groups:

  • MI Thickness Monitoring Administrator
  • MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector
  • MI Thickness Monitoring User

Access to certain functions in APM is determined by membership in these Security Groups. Note that in addition to the baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups, users will also need at least View privileges for all customer-defined predecessor or successor families that participate in the Thickness Monitoring relationships. Keep in mind that:

  • Users who will need to create new records in TM will need Insert privileges to these families.
  • Users who will need to modify records will need Update privileges to these families.
  • Any user who should be allowed to delete TM records will need Delete privileges to these families.

The following table summarizes the functional privileges associated with each group.

FunctionCan be done by members of the MI Thickness Monitoring Administrator Group?Can be done by members of the MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector Group?Can be done by members of the MI Thickness Monitoring User Group?
Configure Global PreferencesYesNoNo
Configure Family PreferencesYesNoNo
Use the T-Min CalculatorNoYesNo
Archive Corrosion RatesNoYesNo
Reset the Maximum Historical Corrosion Rate


Exclude TMLsNoYesNo
Renew TMLsNoYesNo
Reset User PreferencesYesNoNo

TM Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI Thickness Monitoring Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Thickness Monitoring User

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Thickness Monitoring Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI Thickness Monitoring AdministratorMI Thickness Monitoring InspectorMI Thickness Monitoring UserMI Thickness Monitoring Viewer
Entity Families
CorrosionView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
DatapointView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
Datapoint MeasurementView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, InsertView
Human ResourceView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
Inspection TaskViewView, UpdateViewView
Inventory Group ConfigurationViewViewViewView
Materials of ConstructionViewViewViewView
Meridium Reference TablesView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
RBI Inspection Auto-Selection CriteriaViewViewViewView
Resource RoleView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
Security GroupViewViewViewView
Security UserViewViewViewView
SettingsView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertViewView
Task ExecutionView, InsertView, InsertViewView
Thickness Monitoring TaskView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
TML GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Relationship Families
Belongs to a UnitView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
Equipment Has EquipmentViewViewViewView
Group AssignmentViewViewViewView
Has Archived Corrosion AnalysesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Archived Corrosion Analysis SettingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Archived Subcomponent Analysis SettingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Archived Subcomponent Corrosion AnalysesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Corrosion AnalysesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Corrosion Analysis SettingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has DatapointsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has InspectionsNoneNoneNoneView
Has MeasurementsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RolesView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
Has Task ExecutionView, InsertView, InsertViewView
Has Task RevisionView, InsertView, InsertViewView
Has TasksView, InsertView, InsertView, InsertView
Has TML GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Is a UserViewViewViewView
User AssignmentViewViewViewView

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI Thickness Monitoring Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Thickness Monitoring User

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Thickness Monitoring Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI Thickness Monitoring AdministratorMI Thickness Monitoring InspectorMI Thickness Monitoring UserMI Thickness Monitoring Viewer
Entity Families
CorrosionView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
DatapointView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
Datapoint MeasurementView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, InsertView
Human ResourceView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
Inspection TaskViewView, UpdateViewView
Inventory Group ConfigurationViewViewViewView
Materials of ConstructionViewViewViewView
Meridium Reference TablesView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
RBI Inspection Auto-Selection CriteriaViewViewViewView
Resource RoleView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
Security GroupViewViewViewView
Security UserViewViewViewView
SettingsView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertViewView
Task ExecutionView, InsertView, InsertViewView
Thickness Monitoring TaskView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
TML GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Relationship Families
Belongs to a UnitView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
Equipment Has EquipmentViewViewViewView
Group AssignmentViewViewViewView
Has Archived Corrosion AnalysesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Archived Corrosion Analysis SettingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Archived Subcomponent Analysis SettingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Archived Subcomponent Corrosion AnalysesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Corrosion AnalysesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Corrosion Analysis SettingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has DatapointsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has InspectionsNoneNoneNoneView
Has MeasurementsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RolesView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewView
Has Task ExecutionView, InsertView, InsertViewView
Has Task RevisionView, InsertView, InsertViewView
Has TasksView, InsertView, InsertView, InsertView
Has TML GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Is a UserViewViewViewView
User AssignmentViewViewViewView