SIS Management

Deploy SIS Management for the First Time

Before You Begin

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. GE Vernova recommends, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


1 Define alternate search queries.This step is required only if you do not want to use the baseline search queries.
2 Modify threshold values in the SIL Threshold family.This step is required only if you want to modify the default boundary values specified in the SIL Threshold family.
Tip: To prevent ambiguity in SIL values for driving risk ranks that fall on the boundary value of two SIL thresholds, avoid specifying contiguous boundary values where the lower boundary value of one threshold is the upper boundary value of the preceding SIL threshold. For example, for the SIL value of 1, if you have specified a SIL threshold of 10 through 100, then, for a SIL value of 2 you can specify the SIL threshold of 100.1 through 1000.
3 Import data from an Exida project file.This step is required only if you want to create SIL Analyses using an Exida project file.
4 Export data from an Exida project file.This step is optional.

Activate the Hazards Analysis license.

This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.

Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.

This step is required only for Security Groups that will be used in the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
7Review the SIS Management data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment or location families. Modify any relationship definitions as needed using the Configuration Manager. This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.
8 Assign Security Users to one or more of the SIS Management Security Groups and Roles.This step is required.

Upgrade or Update SIS Management to V4.

Before You Begin

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V4. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.2.0.0 through V4.

    This module will be upgraded automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. Additionally, as needed, perform the following steps:

    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.1.0.0 through V4.

    This module will be upgraded automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. Additionally, as needed, perform the following steps:

    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    3Verify the LOPA Assessment records that are linked to Instrumented Functions after upgrade.This step is optional.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.0.0.0 through V4.0.1.0
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.1 through V3.
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 SP1 LP through V3.
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 through V3.
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.4.5 through V3.
    1 Activate the Hazards Analysis license. This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.
    2 Assign View permissions to the Hazards Analysis family to SIS Management Security Groups in Configuration Manager. As needed, you can assign additional privileges.This step is required only if you want to take advantage of the integration between the SIS Management module and Hazards Analysis.