An HPCI upgrade ensuring interface to a comprehensive security suite

Ensuring you get access to the right security management suite, with our latest HPCI

HPCi 4.3.3 (SYS_HPCi 7) is a foundation upgrade that mitigated historical cyber hygiene issues in operating system and drivers and is accredited to IEC62443-4-2 Security level 1.

It also provides interfaces for connection to our Security management suite that meets IEC62351-8 RBAC and Syslog requirements for compliance to NERC CIP and IEC62443-3-3 SL1.

SYS_HPCi 7 also enables connectivity to our ICSGuard platform that monitors 15 event types that indicate an active cyber-attack within the system in accordance with NIST SP 800-94 HIDS.

SYS_HPCi 8 extends this to support IEC62443-4-2 to security level 3, providing 30 events to ICSGuard. HPCi 8 is packaged with an updated Security management suite to provide comprehensive security.

General Electric

Customers might be motivated to switch to better cyber secure systems due to a number of factors:

  1. Notation requirements in the Marine industry, defined by the class society (ABS, DNV, Lloyds and/or Unified rules E26/E27),
  2. Multi-vendor control systems requiring additional security requirements as defined in unified rules E27,
  3. Risk of loss of service due to a DOS or ransomware attack,
  4. Actual customer requests to meet a standard such as IEC62443,
  5. Regional regulations, guidelines and standards such as NIST, NERC, ANSSI.

Our cybersecurity offerings are tailored to your specific needs and are structured to provide you with security functionality and structure to improve cyber protection.


  1. Improved visibility of OT equipment cyber posture,
  2. Improved employee cyber knowledge,
  3. Improved uptime,
  4. Lower risk or potential better optimization of insurance costs through stronger cyber security.

Please contact us for more detail on our services and potential training regarding HPCI upgrades.