Track local variables

Before you begin

Note: To view a tracked variable after a workflow has run, enable tracking at both the process (workflow) and subprocess level.


  1. In the navigator, click Workflow.
  2. In the Folders list, select a resource type, such as Workflows, Subprocesses, Schedules, User Activities, Categories, Completion Codes, Faults, or Filters.
  3. In the resource type list, select a resource.
  4. In the Displays panel, click Workflow Management > Workflow Editor.
  5. Click the Tracking Configuration tab.
  6. Select Enable Tracking.
  7. Select a tracking level:
    • To track workflow data only, select Track at the Process Level Only.
    • To track at both workflow and subprocess data, select Track at the Process and Subprocess Level.
  8. From the Workflow/Subprocess panel, select the workflow or subprocess that contains the variables you want to track.
  9. In the Trackable Variables panel, select the check box for each variable you want to track.
  10. Click Save.