Track local variables
Before you begin
Note: To view a tracked variable after a workflow has run, enable tracking at both the process (workflow) and subprocess level.
- In the navigator, click Workflow.
- In the Folders list, select a resource type, such as Workflows, Subprocesses, Schedules, User Activities, Categories, Completion Codes, Faults, or Filters.
- In the resource type list, select a resource.
- In the Displays panel, click .
- Click the Tracking Configuration tab.
- Select Enable Tracking.
- Select a tracking level:
- To track workflow data only, select Track at the Process Level Only.
- To track at both workflow and subprocess data, select Track at the Process and Subprocess Level.
- From the Workflow/Subprocess panel, select the workflow or subprocess that contains the variables you want to track.
- In the Trackable Variables panel, select the check box for each variable you want to track.
- Click Save.