Install Multiple Servers
This application provides multiple server capability, allowing you to install the application server to host the core services on one machine and a Workflow server to host the Workflow services on another machine. You can also choose to install one or more User servers to host other product options that you may license and/or custom service providers that you develop.
Before you begin
Before you can install multiple servers, you must install a single application server and client and export server security certificates for an extension server.
- If you are installing or upgrading an extension server (Workflow or User), you must have already installed or upgraded an application server of the same version to host the Core services on a separate machine.
- In a multiple server environment, eSOP is automatically installed on the Workflow server. When you upgrade Workflow or install it again, all sample resource files are overwritten.
- From the application splash screen, click Install Workflow Client and Application Server.Note: If the splash screen does not appear, run InstallFrontEnd.exe on the root directory of the installation folder.The setup wizard appears.
- Click Application Server.The Application Server Type page appears.
- Click Extension server, select one of the following options, and then click Next.
To install a... Click... dedicated workflow server Workflow Server server to host custom service provider User Server The License Agreement page appears. - Review the license agreement, and then click I Agree.The Installation Folders and Architecture page appears.
- Proceed as applicable based on the architecture of the computer you are installing to:
If the architecture is... Then do this... 32-bit - Accept the default destination folder or browse for a new location, and then click Next.
The Database Configuration page appears.
64-bit - Accept the default Destination Folder (32-bit), or browse for a new location.Note: This is the installation location for 32-bit components. Do not install 32-bit components to the 64-bit installation directory. If you do, the installation will fail.
- Accept the default Destination Folder (64-bit), or browse for a new location.
- Select either 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the architecture in which you want the server to operate.Tip: The default is 64-bit, but you may also select 32-bit. If your environment changes after installation, you can use the Configure Server tool to change the architecture.
- Click Next.
The Database Configuration page appears.
- Accept the default destination folder or browse for a new location, and then click Next.
- Specify your SQL Server settings, as follows:Note: These settings must be the same as for the core server.
- Click Next.The Security Certificates page appears.
- Import the security certificates:Important: If you have not already exported the security certificates from the main server, you must do so now before proceeding. For more information, see Export server security certificates for an extension server.
- In the Certificate File field, enter the path or browse to the location where you exported the security certificates from the main server.
- Select the ZIP file that you created on the main server, and then click OK.
- In the Password field, enter the password that was set when you exported the security certificates.
- Click Next.The imported certificates are listed.
- Click Next.If the installation computer has an enabled firewall, the Firewall page appears.
- If required, make note of the port numbers to open in the firewall, and then click Next.Important: If your system uses a firewall, you must follow the instructions on the Firewall page and open ports 8447, 8012, 8111, 8112, 8020, 8201, 8202, 8203, and 8204 to incoming TCP traffic. For information on opening a port in your firewall, see the online help for your Windows operating system.The Installation Confirmation page appears.Tip: At any time during the configuration process, you can click Back to return to a previous page to change your settings.
- Click Install.The Installation page appears, displaying the status of each installation step.Note: In certain situations, a system restart is required after installation. If this is the case, a corresponding message is displayed among the listed status messages.
- When the installation is complete, click Exit.Note: If the installation fails, or you want to change a configuration setting after the installation completes, you can open the appropriate standalone component to configure the required information. For more information, see Post-Installation Configuration.