Configure the Call Method activity


  1. In the navigator, click Workflow > Workflows.
  2. In the resource list, add a resource, or select the resource that you want to work with.
  3. In the Displays panel, click Workflow Management > Workflow Editor.
  4. Click the Workflow Editor tab.
  5. Drag and drop a Local Subprocess into the workflow and double-click it, or double-click an existing subprocess.
    Note: If required, configure the workflow.
  6. Drag and drop a Call Method activity into the subprocess, or select an existing call method.
  7. On the activity configuration panel, click Configure Method.
    The Configure Method dialog box appears, displaying a list of the available call method service providers.
  8. Double-click the service provider you want to use, and then select the call method.
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Item specific configuration section, configure the method.
    Note: Item configuration depends on the selected source and item. Some items do not require configuration.
  11. At run time, if you want to return all data from the selected item, select the Return all data option.
  12. At run time, if you want to return a subset of data from the selected item at run time, select the Return only a subset of data option, and then from the data tree, select the data you want returned.
    Note: If the item returns only a single piece of data, the Return all data option is selected, and you cannot retrieve a subset of data.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. If required, on the activity configuration panel, modify the Inputs/Outputs and/or create an expression or perform a bind for the selected call method.
  15. In the Security area, select the Enforce User Permissions check box.
  16. Click Save.