Configure quorum options for a cluster
Although this application does not require a disk for clustering, it is recommended that you configure either a file share witness or a disk witness.
- On the server computer, click . The Failover Cluster Manager dialog box appears.
- Select the cluster you want to configure.Tip: If the cluster you want to configure is not displayed, then in the console tree, right-click Failover Cluster Manager, click Manage a Cluster, and then select or specify the cluster you want to configure.
- From the Actions menu, click More Actions, and then click Configure Cluster Quorum Settings.
- Follow the instructions in the wizard to select the quorum configuration for your cluster. If you choose a configuration that includes a disk witness or file share witness, follow the instructions for specifying the witness.
- Optional: After the wizard completes and the Summary page appears, click View Report to view a report of the tasks that the wizard performed.