Associate a workflow with a template

Workflow Designers create workflows to be used as eSOP task templates. You must first define the workflow and configure the template options. Then, in Config Panels, you use templates for additional, custom configuration.

Before you begin

A sample workflow template named Sample Sequential Template is part of installation. We recommend that you use this type of template as the basis of your eSOP workflow.
Note: All workflows to be used as task templates require the input parameter TaskName.


  1. In the navigator, click eSOP.
  2. In the Task Templates list, click Task Templates, and then click Add Task Template.
  3. In the Name and Description fields, enter a name and description for the resource.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Displays panel, click Template Editor.
  6. In the Template Workflow area, click Set.
    The Universal Browser appears.
  7. Select an existing workflow, and then click OK.
  8. In the Template Type field, from the drop-down menu, select the type of template that your workflow was created against.
    Tip: You cannot save an invalid task. If you get a validation error message, adjust the number of steps in your task, and then click Save.
    Select...If you...
    Sequential created a sequential template, or used the sample template, Sample Sequential Template.
    Fixed want the number and position of task steps in a workflow to be pre-set. With this type, you are unable to configure jump options or move task steps around.
    Parallel require a workflow with parallel subprocesses.
  9. If you added custom configuration panels that you want to appear for all task and/or task step instances based on this template, perform one of the following actions.
    Tip: For viewing preferences, you can move the table columns around. Click and hold the column title and drag it to a new location within the table.
    Click this button... To...
    Add select an existing panel from Config Panels.
    Remove delete a selected panel from the table.
    move the selected custom panel to a higher level in the Task Editor, so that the tab of the custom panel appears closer to the standard tabs. That is, the tab moves further left.
    move the selected custom panel to a lower level in the Task Editor, so that the tab of the custom panel appears further from the standard tabs. That is, the tab moves further right.
  10. After you select a custom configuration panel, you can make further modifications related to the panel inside the table.
    1. To customize the name of the tab when viewed in the Task Editor, in the Tab Name column, double-click inside the table cell to modify the name.
      The new name reflects the tab name that will be viewed by the Task Builder during task construction in the Task Editor.
    2. To include additional custom configuration information for a panel, in the Configuration column, double-click inside the table cell to modify the content. You can add .csv or .dita text to customize a particular configuration panel instance.
  11. To add custom keywords, on the Keyword tab, click Add.
    1. In the Name column, double-click inside the table cell to modify the name.
    2. In the Description column, double-click inside the table cell to enter information that describes the new keyword.
    3. Optional: To delete an existing keyword, select it, and then click Remove.
  12. To add custom configuration information, on the Metadata tab, click Add.
    1. In the Name column, double-click inside the table cell to modify the name.
    2. In the Metadata column, double-click inside the table cell to enter a value that has a maximum length of 4000 characters.
    3. To delete an existing row, select it, and then click Remove.
  13. Click Save.