Add a control to a tab item

This procedure provides an example of how to add a control to a tab item.

Before you begin


  1. In the navigator, click Global Displays > Forms.
  2. From the Forms list, select the resource you want to work with.
  3. Click Display Editor > Designer.
  4. Click the Toolbox tab.
  5. Add a tab control with at least one tab item.
  6. Add a grid (or other container control) to the top-level of the designer, and then add the desired controls to it. Set the tab item as the active layer, and then move the grid control to the tab item within the document tree or by copying and using the Paste Special feature.
  7. Configure the properties, as required.
    Note: To view the full list of properties, select the Advanced check box.
  8. Save the form or user display.
    Click Save on the...To save...
    toolbarlocally for WPF forms; to the server for Silverlight forms
    title barto the server for WPF forms