Local Variables
Local variables are used as local data sources that are available to the running workflow during the lifetime of the workflow instance.
Local variables can be written to by an activity bind or from a Write activity. For example, you have a workflow with a subprocess called Subprocess1, and the subprocess contains two activities: Activity1 and Activity2. Subprocess1 also contains a local variable called Variable1. When the workflow runs and reaches Subprocess1, Activity1 writes to Variable1. Activity2 can now read from Variable1, and Variable1 can be manipulated depending on the type of activity that Activity2 is defined as.
Local Variable Properties
The following table describes the available options.
Attribute | Value | Description |
List | N/A | Displays the items created for the current workflow or subprocess. |
Add | N/A | Click to add. |
Remove | N/A | Click to delete the selection. |
Name | User-defined | Specifies a display name for the selected property. |
Type | User-defined | Specifies the data type for the variable. |
Initial Value | User-defined | Specifies a value that corresponds with the data type specifications. |
Allow tracking for this variable | N/A | Select this check box to add the local variable to a trackable variables list in Tracking Configuration, and to ensure that data related to a task is available when a running workflow completes. Important: To track a variable, you must also select it in Trackable Variables in the Tracking Configuration tab. Note: To view a tracked variable after a workflow has run, enable tracking at both the process (workflow) and subprocess level. |
Description | User-defined | Provides more information that a user may find helpful. |