Regional Settings

The following regional settings are supported.

Note: Open Enterprise supports the same regional settings as Workflow.

Workflow Client-based Regional Settings

Supported Settings

  • Decimal symbol - one character
  • Digit grouping symbol
  • List separator - one character
  • Time style
  • Time separator
  • Short date style
  • Date separator
    Note: The decimal symbol and the digit grouping symbol cannot be the same character. Also, the time separator and the date separator cannot be the same character.

Formatting the Time and Date

Avoid changing the time style or short date style in regional settings to values that are outside of the standard styles provided. Changing these values to non-standard styles may result in improperly formatted times and dates in some parts of Workflow.

This software supports the following short date formats, some of which may not be available in certain language versions of Windows:

  • dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy
  • dd/yy/mm or dd/yyyy/mm
  • mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm/yy/dd or mm/yyyy/dd
  • yy/dd/mm or yyyy/dd/mm
  • yy/mm/dd or yyyy/mm/dd

Formatting the Regional Language Setting

Avoid changing the language setting when Workflow is running.

Setting the System Default Locale

The selected locale must be set as the system default.

Workflow Web-based Application Settings

In order to capture the date and time settings accurately in Google Chrome and Mozilla® FireFox® , you must change the language settings in these browsers. Changing these settings reflects the date and time that is pertinent to the selected language. For Internet Explorer, your current language settings are automatically applied.