Access a Non-Conformance


  1. Access the operation performed on the serial/lot whose non-conformance you want to access.
  2. Select NCR.
    The NCR section appears, displaying a list of non-conformances for the serial/lot selected in the left pane.
  3. In the left pane, select the serial/lot whose non-conformance you want to access.
    A list of non-conformances for the serial/lot that occurred at the operation appears. The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
    STATUSThe status of the non-conformance.
    SERIAL/LOTThe unique identifier of the serial/lot.
    OPThe operation during which the non-conformance has been created.
    DISPThe disposition method chosen for the serial/lot.
    MATERIALThe material of the serial/lot.
    MATERIAL FAMILYThe material family of the serial/lot.
    MATERIAL DESCThe material description of the serial/lot.
    • For a Rework disposition method, this field contains the operation during which rework must be performed on the serial/lot.
    • For a Continue-to-Process (CTP) disposition method, this field contains the operation until which you can continue to work with the serial/lot.
    • For a disposition method other than CTP or Rework, this column is blank.
    ACTIONSContains the following buttons: