Access the Defect History


  1. Access the defect whose history you want to access.
  2. Select History.
    The History section appears. The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
    STATUSThe status of the defect.
    DEFECT MODIFIED ONThe date and time at which the defect was modified.
    SERIAL/LOT#The serial/lot number associated with the defective part.
    PLANThe disposition plan for the defect. You can select the link in this column to search for all the defects associated with the plan.
    OPThe operation during which the defect was created.
    DISPThe disposition method for the defect.
    CTP/REWORK OPThe operation until which the defective serial/lot can be processed before disposing the defect. This is applicable only if the disposition method for the defect is Continue-to-Process (CTP). During the operation specified in this column, the defect must be disposed.
    MATERIALThe material of the defective serial/lot.
    QTYThe quantity of the defective serials/lots.
    MATERIAL FAMILYThe material family of the defective serial/lot.
    MATERIAL DESCThe description of the defective serial/lot.
    VIEWContains the button that allows you to access the hierarchical reasons and actions on the defect.