Access a Defect


  1. In the Non Conformance page, select Show all Open.
    A list of all the defects, grouped by the associated non-conformance, appears in the workspace. The following table provides the description of the columns in the table.
    STATUSThe status of the defect.
    SERIAL/LOT#The serial/lot number of the defective part. You can select the link in this column to search for all the defects associated with the serial/lot.
    PLANThe disposition plan created for the defect. You can select the link in this column to search for defects associated with the disposition plan. For a defect in the Submitted state, the value in this column is blank.
    QTYThe quantity of the defective items in the serial/lot. For a serialized product, the value in this column is always 1.
    OPThe operation during which the defect was created.
    MATERIALThe material of the defective part. You can select the link in this column to search for defects associated with the material.
    MATERIAL FAMILYThe material family associated with the defective serial/lot.
    MATERIAL DESCThe description of the material of the defective serial/lot.
    DISPThe method of disposition performed on the defective serial/lot. For a defect in the Submitted status, the value in this column is blank.
    CTP/REWORK OPThe operation until which a defective serial/lot can be processed before disposing the defect. This is applicable only if the disposition method for the defect is Continue-to-Process (CTP). During the operation specified in this column, the defect must be disposed.
    DEFECT REASON <number>The hierarchy of reasons identified for the defect.
    ACTION REASON <number>The hierarchy of actions identified for the defect.
    ACTIONSThe actions that you can perform on the serial/lot. Contains the following buttons:
    • : Select this button to dispose the defect. This button is enabled only for a defect in the Submitted status.
    • : Select this button to modify the non-conformance details. This button is enabled only for a defect in the Submitted status.
    • : Select this button, and then select Remove from Plan to remove the defect from a disposition plan.
  2. If you want to search for a defect, in the Enter a Serial/Lot, NCR, WO, Plan, Material, Material Family box, enter any of the following details to search for the associated defects:
    • Serial/lot number
    • Non-conformance number
    • Work order number
    • Plan number
    • Material
    • Material Family
    The entry is added to the left pane. A list of defects associated with the entry that you have entered appears in the workspace in the descending order of the created date or modified date. If you search for a defect using a material or material code, the list of defects are categorized as open and closed.
  3. Select the defect that you want to access.
    The General section appears in the workspace, displaying the defect information. The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
    NC TypeThe type of the non-conformance associated with the defect.
    SummaryThe summary of the defect.
    Defect ReasonsThe hierarchical list of reasons for the defect.
    MaterialThe material of the defective serial/lot.
    Created byThe user who created the defect.
    Defect TypeThe type of the defect.
    QtyThe quantity of the defective serials/lots.
    Material FamilyThe material family associated with the defective serial/lot.
    Created onThe date and time at which the defect was created.
    Tip: You can select the Dispositions and History tabs to access the dispositions and history of the defect, respectively.

What to do next

Dispose the defect.