Performance Tuning Settings

About this task

Here are the recommended performance tuning settings for your environment to achieve optimal performance.


  1. Update Tomcat default threads.
    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\conf
    2. Open the Server.xml file in Notepad. In Server.xml, search for the line 102 or <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" maxThreads="150"
    3. Change the max thread count to 800 (maxThreads=”800”).
    4. Save the file.
  2. Update JVM memory settings.
    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\bin and then run Tomcat8w.exe.
    2. Select the Java tab.
    3. Enter the following recommended values:
      • Initial memory pool: 4096 MB
      • Maximum memory pool: 4096 MB
      • Thread stack size: Leave this field empty
    4. Select OK.
    5. Stop and Start Tomcat.
  3. Update database settings:
    1. Update the Cost Threshold for Parallelism value:
      1. Open SSMS connect to the instance, where SOA db is deployed.
      2. Select the instance. Now, right-click on the instance and then select Properties.

      3. Select the Advanced tab. In the Parallelism section, in the Cost Threshold for Parallelism box, change the default value from 5 to 25.

    2. Ensure that statistics (sp_updatestats) is updated in the database.
    3. It is recommended to move the transaction logs to a different drive to optimize disk I/O performance.