Complete an Activity
- Log in to Plant Applications Web Client.
In the application navigation menu, select
The Open page appears. -
Select Perform for the activity that you want to complete.
The Activity section appears, displaying the autolog sheet for the associated display, which is configured in Plant Applications Administrator. If the Engineering Units property is enabled for the Display associated with the event, the units of measurement defined for variables also appear next to the variable value in the Activity section.
- In the autolog sheet, enter data for all the modifiable autolog variables. You can enter values only for the autolog variables for which you have permissions. The permissions are assigned in Plant Applications Administrator.
- Press Tab to save the values.
Select Back, and then select Complete or In Progress as described in the following table.
The behavior of the Open page and the percentage completion of the activity is based on a few criteria and the Auto Complete Display display option as described in the following table. The Auto Complete Display display option for the display associated with the activity is set in Plant Applications Administrator.
Criteria Auto Complete Display Option Value Behavior Percentage Completion Calculation - No sampling interval or test frequency set for variables associated with the time-based events
- No test frequency set for variables associated with the production-based or user-defined events
False The Complete option appears for that activity. You can then select the Complete option to complete the activity. The activity then appears in the Completed page. Optional variables are not used to calculate percentage of completion. Therefore, this value remains zero. - No sampling interval or test frequency set for variables associated with the time-based events
- No test frequency set for variables associated with the production-based or user-defined events
True The Complete option appears for that activity. You can select Complete to complete the activity. The activity then appears in the Completed page. Optional variables are not used to calculate percentage of completion. Therefore, this value remains zero. - Sampling interval or test frequency is set for variables associated with the time-based events
- Test frequency is set for variables associated with the production-based or user-defined events
False If you enter values for: - Only a few selected modifiable autolog variables in an activity, the In Progress option appears for that activity. You can select In Progress, and then enter values for the remaining modifiable autolog variables.
- All modifiable autolog variables in an activity, the Complete option appears for that activity. You can then select the Complete option to complete the activity. The activity then appears in the Completed page.
The ratio of the total variables with a test ID for which you entered values to the total variables with a test ID. - Sampling interval or test frequency is set for variables associated with the time-based events
- Test frequency is set for variables associated with the production-based or user-defined events
True If you enter values for: - Only a few selected modifiable autolog variables in an activity, the In Progress option appears for that activity. You can select In Progress, and then enter values for the remaining modifiable autolog variables
- All applicable autolog variables in an activity, the activity is automatically moved to the Complete page.
The ratio of the total variables with a test ID for which you entered values to the total variables with a test ID. - If the activity is overdue, and if it is mandatory to add an overdue comment for the activity, add the comment. You can also choose to add a general comment or a comment for a variable.
- Optional: For an array type variable, select
, and then select Show Trend to view the graph for the tag values imported from Historian.
Note: The tags for the variables are configured in Plant Applications Administrator. If you enter a value for the array type variable from Web Client, the Show Trend option is disabled. -
If the activity is associated with a production-based or a user-defined event, select Event.
For an activity associated with a production-based event, the following table describes the fields that appear in the Event section.
For an activity associated with a user-defined event, the following table describes fields that appear in the Event section.Field Description EVENT NUMBER The unique ID of the event. START TIME The time when the production started for the event. END TIME The time when the production stopped for the event. EVENT STATUS The disposition status of the event. PRODUCT The product associated with the event. APPLIED PRODUCT The product actually associated with the event. DIMENSION NAME The dimension of the event as configured in Plant Applications Administrator. You cannot modify the value in this field. UNITS The equipment that produced (or contains) the production-based event. INITIAL The initial value of the dimension. The value in this field appears blank if you do not modify the dimension value. You cannot modify the value in this field. FINAL The current value of the dimension. ADD BATCH COMMENT The option to add a comment or modify or delete comments for the event. Depending on the security levels defined for your role, you can add, modify, or delete comments. Field Description EVENT NUMBER The unique ID of the event. START TIME The time when you started the user-defined event. END TIME The time when the you stopped the user-defined event. L1 The reason for creating the user-defined event. Note: You configure the reason tree for a user-defined event in Plant Applications Administrator.L2, L3, L4 The subreasons, if available, associated with the reason entered for the user-defined event. ADD COMMENT The option to add a comment or modify or delete comments for the event. You can modify or delete only those comments that were added by you. - Optional:
In the Event section, enter values in the modifiable fields, and then select Save.
The activity is completed and appears in the Complete page.