Mark an Operation Complete
Before you begin
If you do not have the permission to perform this task, a message appears, stating the same. If that happens, request your administrator to provide the permission using Security.
- For a non-serialized product, if the operation that you want to mark complete requires clocking on, provide the completed quantity for the operation.
About this task
For an operation that requires clocking on, if the completed quantity of a serial/lot is equal to the planned quantity for the work order, the operation is automatically marked complete for the serial/lot. If, however, the operation does not require clocking on, if you have performed the operation on the serial/lot, you must mark the operation complete. It is then removed from the list in the Open page and appears in the Complete page. After all the operations on all the serials/lots in a work order are marked complete, the work order is marked complete in Plant Applications. You can view the completion status of the work order in Work Order Manager.