Install Plant Applications Web Client Using Docker

About this task

  • During the installation, the installer displays the installation tasks on the console and in a log file at $~/your/path/wc81Installer/wc_ansible_install/log/ansible.log and $~/your/path/wc81Installer/wc_ansible_install/log/sql_script.log.
  • The steps in this topic are applicable to both first-time installation and upgrade.
    Note: If you are using a controller and performing a remote upgrade of 8.0 SIM2, you must uninstall the docker-py module on the Web Client node before starting the upgrade process.
    1. On the Web Client node, run: $sudo pip uninstall docker-py to uninstall the docker-py python module.
    2. After uninstalling the docker-py python module, run: $sudo pip install docker to install the docker python module.
    3. Run the installer.


  1. Depending on your deployment architecture, run one of the following commands to launch the installer:
    • If you want to install Web Client Installer and Web Client on a single Linux machine, navigate to your installer folder ~/your/path/wc81Installer/wc_ansible_install/ and run the following command at the terminal:

      $ sudo ./ -l target


      $ sudo ./

    • If you want to install Web Client on a remote machine, run the following command at the terminal:

      $ sudo ./ -r target

    The shell script is launched, and a welcome message appears.
  2. Press any key to proceed further.
  3. Press any key to display the license agreement.
    At the end of the license agreement, you will be prompted to agree or reject it.
  4. Enter Y to proceed.
    The installer displays the sequence of installation steps. Read through the steps and follow the exact sequence when installing.

    Note: It is recommended to execute steps from 1 to 3 continuously. However, you can execute these steps in intervals. For example, after executing Step-1, you can choose to exit and come back to execute Step-2 by running the installer again.

What to do next

Perform following sequence of steps:
  1. Step -1: Add Docker Images to Your Local Docker Registry
  2. Step -2: Update Docker Swarm with Web Client Containers
  3. Step -3: Post Plant Applications Web Client Configuration to Operations Hub
  4. Step -4: Exit