Access the Properties of an Operation
About this task
A property is an additional attribute that is assigned to a route, an operation, or a material to produce a product. Properties are created in Property Definition and assigned values in the following ways:
- Properties for routes and operations are assigned values in Route Editor.
- Properties for materials are assigned values in an ERP system. These materials are imported to Plant Applications using import services.
- Access the operation for which you want to access the properties.
- Select Properties.The properties assigned to the operation, route, or material appear. The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
Column Description LEVEL The level at which the property has been defined - operation, route, or material. - If a property has been defined at the route or material level, the value in this column is All Operations.
- If a property has been defined at the operation level, the value in this column is Operation.
CATEGORY The category to which the property group belongs. GROUP The group to which the property belongs. NAME The name of the property. VALUE The value of the property. UOM The units of measure of the property. DATA TYPE The data type of the property value.