After IIS is installed and basic setup completed, you might need to bind an SSL
certificate to HTTPS on the machine where the web server is installed.
About this task
A certificate is installed when the Proficy Application Server is installed and downloaded
to the machine where the web server resides as part of its installation. For more
information, see the Proficy Workflow Getting Started Guide.
Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Navigate to and select Default Web Site. Select Bindings.
The Site Bindings dialog box is displayed.
Bind the certificate to HTTPS.
Select Add to display the Add Site
Binding dialog box.
If you are re-binding the HTTPS certificate, select
https from the Site Bindings
dialog box, then select Edit.
Select https in the Type field.
In the SSL certificate field, enter the fully-qualified domain name of the server that received the certificate.
For the Proficy Application Server, the server is typically the host
that the Web Server uses to connect to the server.
If you are re-binding the HTTPS certificate, the port remains 443.
Select your SSL certificate from the list. Select
View to verify that you have a private
key that corresponds to the certificate.
Select OK to add HTTPS binding to the list of
bindings in the Site Bindings dialog box.
Close the Site Bindings dialog box.
Close the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
What to do next
After installing Plant Applications Administrator, change the Global Configuration/Plant Applications Site Parameters/Client/UseHttps value to True.