Customize Time Duration to Refresh Data
About this task
You can set the following values for the list of activities:
- The frequency of refreshing a page if left idle for certain minutes.
- The number of hours for collating and displaying the data in the grid.
Depending on your installation, access the file in the following folder:
- Enterprise installation: <Install Directory>/PlantApplicationsDocker/plantapps-web-docker/mnt/configfiles/downtime-app/prod/{{appVersion}}/<appname>.yml
- Standard installation: <Install Directory>\config-rep\downtime-app\prod\{{appVersion}}\<appname>.yml
- Modify the values for the following parameters:
- lastNHours
- refreshNMinutesDuration
If the refreshNMinutesDuration is set to five minutes and the page is idle for five minutes, the list is refreshed and the timestamp is updated accordingly. - Refresh Plant Applications Web Client.
The list of activities is refreshed based on the values you have specified.