If you do not have the permission to perform this task, a message appears, stating the same. In such case, request your administrator to provide the permission using Security.
You can only skip an operation that is configured as Optional. You can specify an operation as optional using Route Editor.
Ensure that the optional operation is in Ready status.
In the Unit Operations page, in the Machines drop-down list box, select a machine.
The Open workspace appears.
Select an optional operation in the Ready status.
The workspace for the selected optional operation appears.
Note: You can identify an operation as optional using the OPT column. You can add the OPT column using .
Select to view the details of the operation.
Select the Skip button to skip the operation.
Note: The Skip button is visible only if the operation is in Ready status and configured for explicit skip.
The operation is skipped and is removed from the list of operations in the left panel.