MATERIAL | Select the material for which you want to create the work order. |
ROUTE | This box contains a list of released routes for the material that you have selected. All the revisions of a route, if any, appear in this box, indicated by R[< revision number>] at the end of the route name. Select the route for which you want to create a work order. |
WORK ORDER | You must enter a value in this box. Enter a
unique name for the work order that does not exceed 100 characters.
If a work order with the same name exists:
- If the work order is ready, a message appears asking you to
confirm if you want to delete it and replace it with the one you
are creating.
- If the work order is in progress, you cannot create this work
NO OF LOTS | Enter the number of serial/lots this work order
is to create. The value in this box must not exceed 100. The value
in this box determines the number of rows in the ENTER
SERIAL/LOT# table. |
PRIORITY | Enter the priority in which the work order must be
- 1 = highest priority
- 0, -, or blank = lowest priority
Enter the quantity of product
to be manufactured as part of the work order. |
Enter the planned date and time to begin work on
the work order. By default, this box is populated with the current
date and time. |
Enter the planned date and time to complete the
work on the work order. By default, this box is populated with the
date and time that is 24 hours from the current date and
time. |
SERIAL/LOT# PREFIX | Enter the prefix for each serial/lot to be
manufactured. The value in this box helps identify the serials/lots
that belong to the same work order. |
A table with as many rows as the value
entered in NO OF LOTS. Each row contains the following
All rows must be
completed, either manually, or by using the Auto Populate feature
(see the note below). |
The row number, starting from 1. |
SERIAL/LOT# | Enter a unique value for each
serial/lot. |
GENERATED SERIAL/LOT# | Identifies the serial/lot that will be
assigned to each product in the work order. This box is disabled and
populated with a combination of the values in the SERIAL/LOT#
PREFIX and SERIAL/LOT# boxes. |
QUANTITY | The number of items for each
serial/lot. |