About Assets
You can create and define an asset hierarchy that encompasses the enterprise level to subdivisions of a single asset within the hierarchy.
In Predix Essentials, adding or modifying assets using the Predix Essentials user interface, APIs, or Asset Ingestion Service, or bypassing the Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader, causes the asset databases to become out-of-sync.
- You must add or modify assets using the Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader.
- You cannot delete assets.
- You must use the Asset Ingestion Service to add tags to assets.
- You can add, modify, or delete assets in the user interface, using APIs, or using the Asset Ingestion Service.
- You can add tags to assets in the user interface, using APIs, or using the Asset Ingestion Service.
You can filter the asset hierarchy to narrow options for selection. For more information, refer to the Filter the Context Browser section for the documentation.
You can search the asset hierarchy to rapidly find an asset of interest. For more information, refer to the Search the Context Browser section of the documentation.
You can create multiple level iterations within the business functional hierarchy. For example, you might want to use multiple sites within an enterprise, or child-assets of an asset.
- Model an asset hierarchy.
- Create or reuse asset and tag classifications.
- Add or modify reserve attributes to each asset instance in the hierarchy, if needed.
- Add custom attributes to each asset instance in the hierarchy.
- Add tag instances to each asset instance in the hierarchy.
- Designate a time zone and geolocation for the physical assets in your asset hierarchy.
- Optionally, make asset instances a member of a group.
- Business Functional Hierarchy
- The asset categorization as delineated in the asset model where the categories are connected in a parent-child relationship. The business functional hierarchy consists of Enterprise, Site, Segment, and Asset. The business functional hierarchy has two uses, business functional object and asset context. Multiple child-iterations of any category may exist, creating child-categories. You can access the business functional hierarchy in the Context Browser.
- Business Functional Object
- The business categorization as delineated in the asset model. The business functional object consists of Enterprise, Site, and Segment. Multiple child-iterations of any business functional object may exist. These business functional objects have business rules associated with them that are different from assets.
- Asset Context
- The asset categorization as delineated in the asset model. The asset context consists of Assets selected in the business functional hierarchy. business functional object selections are not included. Multiple child-iterations of any asset context may exist.
- Asset
- A digital representation of any type of physical entity. Predix Essentials uses a business functional hierarchy to distinguish asset categories.
- Tag
- Name for a sensor or calculated time-series data. Tags are associated with a specific asset instance and tag classification, contain a tag classification link, and may contain a time series link. Tags cannot be selected from the business functional hierarchy.
- Instance
- A single business functional object or asset found within the business functional hierarchy. Tag instances are associated with an asset and can be found on the asset detail page.
- Classification
- Multiple asset or tag instances that share common characteristics.
- Asset Group
- Compilations of similar business objects that form a common type. Search filters for asset groups contain a category for each group when it's created.
- Custom Attributes
- Properties that allow you to create a value definition and format for the business object you are modeling.
- Reserved Attributes
- Predefined properties containing common information related to assets and tags. Reserved attributes are inherited from a classification.
You can access more information about managing tenant-level configuration for life-cycle stage and status, cascade delete entities, and associating or disassociating tags to enterprise, site, and segments in the related developer documentation.
Modify an Asset Name
You can modify an asset name.
About This Task
Modify an Asset Description
You can modify an asset description.
About This Task
Navigate to a Classification from an Asset Instance
You can navigate to an associated asset classification from an asset instance.
About This Task
Asset classifications are groupings of similar or related assets.
Navigate to a Classification from a Tag Instance
You can navigate to an associated asset classification from a tag instance.
About This Task
Tag classifications are groupings of similar or related tags. Tag instances are associated with asset instances.
Navigate to an Associated Asset Instance from a Tag Instance
You can navigate to the associated asset instance view from a tag instance view.
About This Task
Tag instances are associated with asset instances. You must add a tag instance to an asset instance for the associated asset link to appear or be active.
Select an Instance Status
You can select a status for an instance in the business functional hierarchy.
About This Task
This status | Means this |
Normal | Normal asset or process operation. |
Failure | Indicates the asset is in failure mode. |
Warning | Indicates a warning on the asset's current status. |
External Help Request | Indicates an external request for help is needed. |
User-Defined Condition | Indicates a condition other than a failure, warning, or external request. Defined by the user. |
Select a Tag Instance Status
You can select a status for a tag instance.
About This Task
This status | Means this |
Unknown | The tag or sensor's data transmission is unknown. |
Active | The tag or sensor is transmitting data to the system. |
Inactive | The tag or sensor is not transmitting data to the system. |
Select an Instance Lifecycle Stage
You can select a lifecycle stage for an instance in the business functional hierarchy.
About This Task
The lifecycle stage of an instance determines how Predix Essentials classifies the instance with regard to design, purchasing, maintenance, and disposition of the physical equipment. Predix Essentials provides default Lifecycle Stage categories which can be set by an analytic, custom code, or manually by you. Categories for Lifecycle Stage may be added, updated, modified, and deleted by a tenant administrator using the API.
This option | Means this |
Plan | Budgeting for the production of the asset is in the planning stage. |
Design | Engineers are designing the asset blueprints. |
Procure | Supply chain for building the asset on the production line. |
Build | Assets are being built on the production line. |
Commission | The asset is in the review stage, where the asset design must meet the specified performance parameters after the asset has been installed and connected. |
Operate | The asset has been deployed and installed in the field. |
Maintain | The asset is scheduled for maintenance. The asset may or may not be in use. |
Monitor | The asset is operational and is under monitoring for health and performance. |
Upgrade | The asset is being upgraded. Sometimes this is triggered by regulatory requirements. |
Decommission | The asset is not performing as expected and is scheduled to be replaced or disposed of. |
Replace | The decision has been made to replace the asset with a different asset. |
Dispose | The asset is decommissioned. |