Asset Hierarchy

About the Asset Hierarchy

Use the asset hierarchy to select business objects with which you want to work.

Within Predix Essentials, there are multiple functional locations that can be organized in a hierarchy to represent how your business is set up. These relationships create the Asset Hierarchy.

The asset hierarchy consists of business objects that include functional locations, assets, and child assets associated with the assets. Tags are associated with business objects on the asset hierarchy, but are not visible on the hierarchy itself.

The Predix Essentials modules include a Hierarchy icon () that opens the asset hierarchy component. The Hierarchy component includes a Groups tab. Asset groups are collections of assets grouped together for analysis. The asset hierarchy for a tenant can be ingested or created using the user interface. For more information refer to documentation.

The Legacy Predix APM include a Context Browser in the Assets, Analysis, and Dashboards modules that displays business objects in a hierarchical form in the Hierarchy tab. The Context Browser is integrated into the displayed instances. The Hierarchy component has a limitation of 1000 assets for the enterprise level, and 250 assets for each subsequent level. If your hierarchy contains more than the allotted number of assets, depending upon the level, only the first 1000 or 250 assets will appear in the Context Browser. The Groups tab in Legacy Predix APM is disabled at this time.

Legacy Predix APM support S95 asset model and contains predefined relationships between parent and child classification as represented in the following asset model and relationship diagram:

Before creating instances, you must define custom classifications for each of the S95 hierarchy CCOM type (Enterprise, Site, Segment, Asset, Tag). You can create or ingest classification instances for the asset hierarchy as follows:
Beginning from hereYou can create this type of instance
EnterpriseYou can create a child-enterprise or a site.
SiteYou can create a child-site, a segment, or an asset.
SegmentYou can create a child-segment, or an asset.
AssetYou can create a child-asset.
Once an asset hierarchy is created, you can:
  • Expand each level and select the business object for which you would like to access.
  • Search the asset hierarchy for a specific business object.
  • Select and apply an asset classification to filter the possibilities from which to select a business object.

When you select a business object from the asset hierarchy, you are selecting an instance from which you can view details. The context browser link appears at the top of the page.