Second Quarter of 2021

Release Date: June 25, 2021

This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module on this date.

APM Asset Service Upgrade Notification

What does this mean to Asset Customers

GE Digital appreciates and values your business. As part of our efforts to continuously improve our product offerings, APM Asset Service is upgrading its S95 model to allow for automatic Tag ingestion from Edge devices(like OSM, OSI-PI, Historian) to APM cloud.

As a result of this upgrade, Asset Service API endpoints that allow creating and querying Tags will be deprecated and replaced with new set of API endpoints by March 2022 (subject to change to a future date).

Find below preliminary list of API endpoints that will be deprecated by March 2022 (subject to change to a future date). This communication is to identify customers who are invoking Asset Service endpoints for Tag create and Tag query.

API endpoints being deprecated in Q1 2022 – both /V1 and /V3
Note: All API’s with /tags in them will be deprecated within both V1 and V3 versions of the API.
What will happen to existing data?

Tag data will be migrated to the upgraded S95 model.

What other changes are expected?

Tag ingestion format will change, there will be detailed communication sent in the near future to describe Full API deprecation list, changes to Tags UI in Asset microapp, Tag Ingestion, new API endpoints that allow for Querying Tags.

User Actions

If you are a user of APM Asset Service and are invoking API endpoints listed above for creating and querying Tag data, please reach out to the Predix Support, so that we can make sure to keep you informed with details about the upcoming changes