Asset Restrictions Overview
About Asset Restrictions
Use Asset Restrictions to restrict users or user groups from viewing the decommissioned assets.
If a user is given permission to an Enterprise, Site, or Segment, the user can access all the assets including the decommissioned assets within the Enterprise, Site, or Segment. The tenant administrators or a user with Asset fine-grained permissions in the tenant can restrict the users to access the assets in the decommissioned state.
A Restriction Policy table listing restrictions policies and their descriptions is included. Selecting a link from the table opens the Restrictions page for the selected policy. Metadata associated to the selected policy populates the applicability, attribute, action, and attribute value information on the Restrictions page.
In the User / User Group Selection section on the Restrictions page, you can toggle between User Groups and Users. Once you have selected User Groups or User, the relevant table displaying members that have the selected policy applied appears. You can add new members, remove members, and search for members in this section. You can add members to the selected policy singly, or in bulk. Members are validated and confirmed when you add them.
The default settings for tag restrictions is the selected tag access is not restricted.
Add a User to an Asset Restriction
You can apply asset restrictions to one or more selected users.
About This Task
Use Asset Restrictions to prevent one or more selected users from viewing or querying a selected asset configured within an asset restriction.
A Users table provides a listing of users that were previously applied to the asset restriction.
Remove a User from an Asset Restriction
You can remove a user from an asset restriction to which they were previously added.
About This Task
Adding users to an asset restriction prevents the user from viewing or querying the assets configured for the restriction. If you no longer want to restrict a user, you can remove the user from an asset restriction to which they were previously added.
Add a User Group to an Asset Restriction
You can apply asset restrictions to the associated users in one or more selected user groups.
About This Task
Use Asset Restrictions to prevent users within a user group from viewing or querying a selected asset configured within an asset restriction.
A User Groups table provides a listing of user groups that were previously applied to the asset restriction.
Remove a User Group from an Asset Restriction
You can remove user groups from an asset restriction to which they were previously added.
About This Task
Adding user groups to an asset restriction prevents the associated users in the group from viewing or querying the assets configured for the restriction. If you no longer want to restrict a user group, you can remove the user group from an asset restriction to which it was previously added.