Instrumented Functions

About Instrumented Function

An instrumented function is a specific need of a safety instrumented system to monitor the conditions of a process. For each instrumented function defined for a safety instrumented system, at least one protective instrument loop (PIL) will exist to satisfy that need.

When you create an Instrumented Function, it will be linked automatically to the current SIL Analysis. When you create the Instrumented Function, in addition to details about the instrumented function, you can specify the following records linked to the Instrumented Function:

  • Logic Solver
  • Equipment and Functional Location
  • SIF Common Cause Failures
  • Hazardous events that may occur if the safe state associated with the current instrumented function occurs at the same time as the safe state associated with a different instrumented function.

Access an Instrumented Function


  1. Access the SIL Analysis that is linked to the Instrumented Function that you want to access.
  2. In the left pane, select the Instrumented Function that you want to access.

    The datasheet for the Instrumented Function appears in the workspace.

  3. If needed, modify values in the available fields.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The changes made to the Instrumented Function are saved.

Create an Instrumented Function

About This Task

This topic describes how to create an Instrumented Function using a blank datasheet. You can also copy an Instrumented Function.


  1. Access the SIL Analysis for which you want to create an Instrumented Function.
  2. In the left pane, select , and then select Create New.

    A blank datasheet for the Instrumented Function appears.

  3. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  4. In the lower-right corner of the datasheet, select Save.

    The Instrumented Function is created.

What To Do Next

Copy an Instrumented Function

About This Task

You can create an Instrumented Function by copying the details from another Instrumented Function linked to a SIL Analysis.

When you copy an Instrumented Function, all the associated records of the following families will be copied as well:
  • External Assessment
  • LOPA Assessment
  • PHA Internal Assessment
  • Risk Matrix Internal Assessment
  • Protective Instrument Loop
  • SIF Common Cause Failure
  • SIS Proof Test Template
However, the values of the following fields in the corresponding families are not copied:
External AssessmentExternal Assessment ID
Instrumented Function
  • IF ID MI_PIF00000_ID_C
  • SIS System ID
  • Hazards Analysis Reference
  • Hazards Analysis Date
  • Equipment ID
  • Equipment Key
  • Functional Location ID
  • Functional Location Key
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
LOPA AssessmentLOPA Assessment ID
PHA Internal AssessmentAssessment ID
Risk Matrix Internal AssessmentRisk Assessment Internal ID
Protective Instrument Loop
  • State ID
  • State owner ID
  • State Key
  • State entered date
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver
  • Functional Location
  • Functional Location Key
  • Equipment Key
  • Equipment
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
Protective Instrument Loop Logic Solver Channel
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
  • Functional Location
  • Functional Location Key
  • Equipment Key
  • Equipment
Protective Instrument Loop System (Sensor/Final Element System)
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
Protective Instrument Loop Group (Sensor/Final Element Group)
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
Protective Instrument Loop Sensor
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
Protective Instrument Device (Sensor/Final Element)
  • Functional Location
  • Functional Location Key
  • Equipment Key
  • Equipment
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
Protective Instrument Loop Final Element
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date
SIF Common Cause FailureCCF ID
SIS Proof Test Template
  • State ID
  • State owner ID
  • State Key
  • State entered date
  • Author
  • Created On
  • Modified By
  • Modified Date
  • Template ID
SIS Proof Test Template Detail
  • Template Detail ID
  • Step Sequence Number
  • Equipment ID
  • Equipment Key
  • Location ID
  • Functional Location Key
Functional Test Detail
  • Equipment ID
  • Location ID

You can also create an Instrumented Function using a blank datasheet.


  1. Access the SIL Analysis into which you want to copy an Instrumented Function.
  2. In the left pane, select , and then select Copy Existing.
    The Search window appears.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the window, select .
    A list of Instrumented Functions appears.
  4. Select the Instrumented Function that you want to copy, and then select OK.
    A window appears, displaying a list of related families and records.
  5. Select all the families whose records you want to copy, and then select Done.
    Note: When you select a family, all the records of the family are copied.
    A copy of the Instrumented Function is created and listed in the left pane.
  6. If needed, select the copied Instrumented Function, and modify the values in the available fields.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The changes made to the Instrumented Function are saved.

Create a Recommendation


  1. Access the Instrumented Function for which you want to create a Recommendation.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, select .

    The Recommendations pane appears, displaying a list of Recommendations linked to the Instrumented Function.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the pane, select .

    A blank datasheet of the Recommendation appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields, and then in the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Recommendation is created.

    Tip: For information about additional options available when working with the Recommendation records, refer to the Action Management section of the documentation.


  • The Recommendation that you have created is listed in the Recommended Actions pane for the Instrumented Function and the related SIL Analysis.

Copy a Recommendation

About This Task

You can copy a Recommendation and link to an Instrumented Function that is associated to one or more SIL Analysis records.

When you copy a Recommendation, the Equipment and Functional Location details from the copied Recommendation is replaced with the newly selected Instrumented Function details.


  1. Access the Instrumented Function for which you want to create a Recommendation.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, select .

    The Recommendations pane appears, displaying a list of Recommendations linked to the Instrumented Function.

  3. Select the Recommendation that you want to copy.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the pane, select .

    The Copy Recommendation window appears displaying a list of Instrumented Functions.

  5. Select the check box that corresponds to the Instrumented Function that you want to copy to and then in the lower-right corner of the window, select Copy and Link.
    Note: You can select maximum of 10 Instrumented Functions from the list.


  • The Recommendation that you have copied is listed in the Recommendations pane for the selected Instrumented Function.

Access the Health Summary Page of an Asset

This topic describes how to access the Health Summary page of the Asset that is being protected by an Instrumented Function.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that the Equipment ID or the Functional Location ID fields in the Instrumented Function datasheet are populated with the values that correspond to the Asset that is being protected by the Instrumented Function.


  1. Access the Instrumented Function that protects the Asset for which you want to access the Health Summary page.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, select .

    The Health Summary page for the Asset appears, displaying the health indicators for the Asset.

    Note: If there is no value in the Equipment ID or the Functional Location ID fields of the Instrumented Function, then the button is disabled.

    Policies and other health indicator sources can be leveraged to provide a holistic view of the asset which include but are not limited to the following:

    • Proof Test Schedule Compliance
    • Sensor or Final Element detected failure
    • Instrumented Function bypass
    • Instrumented Function trips
    • Proof testing results (e.g., Pass or fail ratios)

Generate a Report of an Instrumented Function


  1. Access the Instrumented Function whose report you want to generate.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The report is generated. You can print, save, or export the report, or attach it to an email.

Delete an Instrumented Function

About This Task

Note: You can delete an Instrumented Function only if the SIL Analysis with which it is associated is in the Planning state.


  1. Access the SIL Analysis that is linked to the Instrumented Function that you want to delete.
  2. In the left pane, select the Instrumented Function that you want to delete.

    The datasheet for the Instrumented Function appears.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select , and then select Delete.

    A message appears, asking if you really want to delete the Instrumented Function.

  4. Select Yes.

    The Instrumented Function and all the related successor records are deleted.

    Important: Deleting an Instrumented Function also deletes the following successor records: LOPA Assessment, Risk Matrix Internal Assessment, PHA Internal Assessment, External Assessment, and Protective Instrument Loop (along with the Protective Instrument Loop Elements). The associated recommendations, Proof Test Templates, and Proof Tests are not deleted.