Family Field Descriptions
Route Masters Records on Rounds Pro mobile app
Route Masters records on Rounds Pro mobile app store details about routes available in the Route Masters. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Route Masters family for Rounds Pro mobile app. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
DUE DATE | Numeric | The earliest due date among all the next due dates specified for all the instances |
This field displays the earliest date that is calculated using the compliance setup duration and the instance creation date. For example, if you enter 1 in the Compliance Horizon field, select week from the Compliance Horizon Interval drop-down list, and you create an instance every week for two months, then the due date is calculated by adding the creation date of the instance to 1 week. Similarly, the due date is calculated for all the instances and the earliest date is displayed here. The due date (which is the compliance date) appears in red if the instance has not met compliance by that date. This field displays the date only when the Compliance Tracking button is enabled in the Plan Routes section of Rounds Designer after you create a schedule. Else, the next due date is displayed, which is the date when the next instance gets created if a schedule is available. |
EAM REFERENCE NUMBER | Character | Number associated with the route. |
This field is enabled if you have selected EAM in the BASIS FOR OCCURRENCE field. This is a unique number. You can manually populate this number. Note: This column does not appear by default. To select this column, use the Column Chooser box in the Route Masters page.
Number associated with the equipment. |
This is a unique alphanumeric number. Note: This column does not appear by default. To select this column, use the Column Chooser box in the Route Masters page.
Character |
Indicates the status of the equipment |
This field displays one of the following values:
Numeric |
The duration at which a route schedule recurs. |
This field displays a number for the duration at which a route schedule recurs. Note:
Character |
The time unit to measure the duration at which the route schedule recurs. |
This field displays one of the following values:
Note: This column does not appear by default. To select this column, use the Column Chooser box in the Route Masters page.
LAST DONE DATE | Numeric | The last date by when the route must be completed. |
The date by when the latest instance was completed and checked-in on the route master. Note: This field does not appear on a small screen device by default. However, you can view this field after you check-in the route instance using the My Routes tab on the device.
NEXT DUE DATE | Numeric | The date when you must complete the route next based on the route schedule. |
If the route does not have a schedule set, then the due date is the earliest date among all the next due date values specified for all the steps in the route. After the scheduled job is created and a Route Instance is added, the next due date must be calculated to reflect on the route master. |
ROUTE NAME | Character | The name of the route. | This is the name assigned when the route is created. |
ROUTE SIZE | Numeric | Total size of the route including all the steps and attached reference documents. |
Note: This information does not appear on a small screen device.
STATUS | Character | Indicates if you have added the route to the My Routes list. | You can add the route to the list if it has not been added. |
STEP COUNT | Numeric | Number of steps assigned with the route. | None |
Route Instance Records on Rounds Pro mobile app
Route instance records on Rounds Pro mobile app store details about the routes included for an asset . This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Route Instance Records family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
ACTION | Character | Indicates the action you can take on the route instance. |
This field contains the following values:
DUE DATE | Numeric | Date by when the route must be completed. |
If the route master has an active schedule with compliance turned on, and Compliance Horizon and Compliance Horizon Interval are defined, whenever an instance is created on this route master, it needs to be completed within the defined interval. The due date (which is the compliance date) appears in red if the instance has not met compliance by that date. If compliance is turned off, the instances that are created before disabling the compliance, are still tracked for compliance and the due date (which is the compliance date) appears in red if the instance has not met compliance by that date. If compliance is turned on, the due date is displayed. Else, the next due date is displayed, which is the date when the next instance gets created if a schedule is available. |
LAST DATE | Numeric | The last date by when the route must be completed. | The date by when the latest instance was completed and checked-in on the route master. Note: This field does not appear on a small screen device by default. However, you can view this field after you check-in the route instance using the My Routes tab on the device.
NEXT DUE DATE | Numeric | The date when you must complete the route next based on the route schedule. |
If the route does not have a schedule set, then the due date is the earliest date among all the next due date values specified for all the instances. After the scheduled job is created and a Route Instance is added, the next due date must be calculated to reflect on the route master. This column does not appear by default. To select this column, use the Column Chooser box in the Open Instances page. If compliance tracking is enabled, and the next due date exceeds the date by which the next instance must be generated, then the date appears in red. |
PROGRESS | Numeric | Percentage of completion of the steps in the route instance. | This value indicates the progress of the route completion based on the number of steps completed out of the total steps assigned to the route. |
ROUTE NAME | Character | Names of all route instances that are assigned to you or the team to which you belong. | The name assigned to the route in the Rounds Designer appears in the field. |
ROUTE SIZE | Alphanumeric | Size of the route. | This field displays the total size of the route including all the steps and attached reference documents. Note: This information does not appear on a small screen device. |
STEP COUNT | Numeric | Number of steps assigned with the route. | This field displays the total number of steps assigned to various assets included in the route. |
WO NUMBER | Alphanumeric | The work order number assigned to the route. | In this box, you can enter the alphanumeric work order number for the route, only if the route is checked out to you. If the route is not checked out to you or is checked out to another individual, this field is not enabled to edit. Note: This information does not appear on a small screen device. |
Route Instance Details Records on Rounds Pro mobile app
Route Instance Details records on Rounds Pro mobile app app store information about the route instances assigned to you or your team and included for an asset. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Route Instance Details records family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
ASSET NAME | Character | Name of the asset included in the route instance. | The asset name title displays the name of the parent asset, Asset ID, and the text indication of the number of steps in progress out of the total steps linked to the asset, for example 1 of 8 Steps. |
CONDITIONAL STEPS | Character | Displays the condition to be met for the conditional step to be activated. | If the current reading value recorded for the primary step meets the condition specified then the term CONDITIONAL STEPS appears in red along with the condition specified for the conditional step to be activated. |
HEALTH INDICATOR MESSAGES | Character | Displays the health indicator messages. | When you enter one of the defined limit values, health indicator messages appear based on the health indicator messages configured in the Rounds Designer for the Step. |
HEALTH INDICATOR TYPE | Character | Displays health indicators with the appropriate color code. | When you enter one of the defined limit values, an alert appears based on the limits and health indicators configured in the Rounds Designer for the Step. The minimum indicators configured are:
| The following parameters appear:
| You can enter the current readings for the step based on data type assigned to the field:
The value that you enter is recorded for a step as the reading value and saved to the mobile database. After you check in the changes, the values are saved to the server and cleared from the field. Note: You cannot enter data that is not appropriate for the data type specified for the field. |
ROUTE NAME | Character | Name of route whose instance is open. |
The route instance title displays the name of the route instance that is accessed from the My Routes page. The name assigned to the route in the Create Route page in Rounds Pro appears in this field. |
STEP NAME | Character | Name of step | The name assigned to the step in the Rounds Designer appears in the field. |
Recommendation Records on Rounds Pro mobile app
Recommendation records on Rounds Pro mobile app store information about the recommendation linked to an asset step. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Recommendation Details records family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Check In | Button | Allows you to check in the Route. | None |
Create Stand Alone | Option | Allows you to create a standalone recommendation. | A standalone recommendation is not linked to the step or an asset. |
CREATED BY | Character | The name of the Security User who was logged on to Rounds Pro mobile app when the recommendation was created. |
This is the name of the person proposing the recommendation. |
HEADLINE | Character | Displays a brief summary of the recommendation subject. | The text that appeared in the Headline cell when the Recommendation was saved on the mobile device. |
PHOTOS | Image | Displays an indication of the presence of photos attached to the recommendation and the number of photos attached. | You can access the photos for the route that you access. Photos are downloaded to the device if the route is in progress. |
TIMESTAMP | Date | The date and time on which the recommendation was created. | None |
Recommendation Details Records on Rounds Pro mobile app
Recommendation records on Rounds Pro mobile app store information about the recommendation linked to an asset step. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Recommendation Details records family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Add Picture | Image | Allows you to take a picture using your mobile device camera and attach the photo to the recommendation. For a device without a camera support, you can select the photos from the local database. | None |
ASSET ID | Numeric | The ID of the Asset for which the recommendation is being made. | This is unique for a particular equipment. This field is auto-populated. |
CREATE WORK REQUEST? | Radio buttons or Slider | Enables a work request. | You can select one of the following options:
DESCRIPTION | Character | Details of the recommendation. | You can type in the description in the text box. |
HEADLINE | Character | A brief summary of the recommendation subject. | None |
PHOTOS | Image | Displays small images of the of the photos attached to the recommendation and the number of photos attached. | None |
PRIORITY | Picklist | The priority of recommendation for implementation. | You can select a priority level from the picklist. |
RECOMMENDATION ID | Character | A value that identifies the recommendation record. | This is a unique ID and is generated by the system. |
STEP DESCRIPTION | Character | For recommendations, other than standalone recommendations created on a mobile device, this field is populated automatically with the value that is stored in the Step Description field of the Step for which the recommendation was created. | You cannot enter any values in this field. This field is auto-populated. |
Step Details Records on Rounds Pro mobile app
Step Details records on Rounds Pro mobile app store information about the step assigned to a route instance. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Step Details records family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
ACTION | Character | The action values defined for the action category added to the step. | This field contains the values defined for the action category in the Actions section of the Picklist Management page in the Rounds Designer. Note: The Action picklist is available only if the related step has an Action Picklist and Action Values defined. You can select one value from the picklist. The value that you select is recorded for a step as the reading value and saved to the mobile database. After you check in the changes, the values are saved to the APM server and cleared from the field. The value that is checked in appears in the ACTION TAKEN column for the selected step in the Open Instances and Instance history page of the Web application. |
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS | Character | This field displays additional instructions that are provided in the ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS section of the Reference Documents page in the Rounds Designer. Below the ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS section, a small image of the photo attached to the step appears. | This is a read-only field. You can view the additional instructions that are provided and need to be followed while performing the step. You can scroll down to access the photo attached to the step, if any. Note: When you check out a route instance, and if a step associated with the route instance has Additional Instructions and image attached, then you can access these details even when your mobile device is offline. |
ATTACHMENTS | Image, PDF, Doc | Displays a list of reference documents attached to the step. | You can access the attached documents when the mobile device is online. |
COMMENTS | Character | You can enter comments to add additional information about the step. | You can enter up to 1000 characters. |
CONDITIONAL STEPS | Character | Displays the condition met that has activated the conditional step. | If the current reading value recorded for the primary step meets the condition specified then the term CONDITIONAL STEPS appears in red along with the condition specified for the conditional step to be activated in the step title. |
HEALTH INDICATOR MESSAGES | Character | Displays the health indicator messages. | When you enter one of the defined limit values, health indicator messages appear based on the health indicator messages configured in the Rounds Designer for the Step. |
HEALTH INDICATOR TYPE | Character | Displays health indicators with the appropriate color code. | When you enter one of the defined limit values, an alert appears based on the limits and health indicators configured in the Rounds Designer for the Step. The minimum indicators configured are:
PHOTOS | Image | Displays small images of the photos attached to the step. | Select the image thumbnail to access the photos attached to the step of a route. |
| The following parameters appear:
| You can enter the readings for the step based on data type assigned to the field:
The value that you enter is recorded for a step as the reading value and saved to the mobile database. After you check in the changes, the values are saved to the APM server and cleared from the field. Note: You cannot enter data that is not appropriate for the data type specified for the field. |
READINGS HISTORY | Character | Displays the trend chart based on the values recorded for the Step. | The trend chart changes based on the edited or cleared readings. |
RECOMMENDATIONS | Text | Displays the recommendation title and an option to create a recommendation. | Select |
SCAN ID | Character | Indicates the SCAN ID associated with the step. | For a barcode or QR code, enter the scan code. For an NFC tag, enter the serial number without colons. For example, if the serial number is 96:DB:46:AA, enter 96DB46AA. When you scan the code, if there is a single match in the checked-out route instances, the Step Details page appears, and the step is unlocked. However, if there are multiple matches, you can choose the step that you want to unlock, or you can unlock all the steps. |
SCAN TO UNLOCK | Boolean | Indicates whether, a step should be locked until the device scans the associated Scan code (Barcode, QR code etc.). | When you switch the toggle on, the Scan ID would be a required field and you must scan the barcode associated with the step to record a reading. By default, the toggle switch is Off. Note: This functionality is not available. |
STEP NAME | Character | Name of step and the step title. |
The step title displays the name of the parent asset for the step, the Asset ID, and the text indication of the relative step position under the asset, for example Step 2 of 8. The name assigned to the step in the Rounds Designer appears in the field. |