Manage Cognitions
Cognitive Analytics: Manage Cognitions
This workflow describes the process for designing and executing cognitions. Cognitions can be used to transform historical, transactional data into a standardized, classified format for improved analysis.
Blue text in a shape indicates that a description is provided for that step in the following sections. For more information, refer to the topic Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams.
Create or Select Cognition
Persona: Analyst
Create a new cognition, or select an existing cognition.
Define or Select Query
Persona: Analyst
To build a cognition, source data is required as an input. Define a specific query to return source data from the GE Digital APM database to use for the cognition. Additionally, define the classification output destination, which can be another family in the GE Digital APM database, or write back to parallel fields in the source data as an update.
Design Cognition Logic and Mappings
Persona: Analyst
Define source inputs and all associated logic to map to specific classification output fields. Mappings may be a simple one-to-one mapping of fields, or they may include simple case logic, comparison logic, and/or classifier algorithms.
Manage Classifiers
Persona: Analyst
Once classifiers (i.e., Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning scripts) are tested and trained, they are available for use in cognitions.
Go to the Manage Classifiers workflow.
Define Schedule
Persona: Analyst
Define a schedule for the cognition to run by hour, day, week, or month.
Define Date Parameters
Persona: Analyst
Provide date parameter(s) as part of the source query design in order to limit the query input to only classify newly created or updated source data.
Activate Cognition
Persona: Analyst
Once satisfied with the cognition design and parameters, activate the cognition. Only active cognitions can be executed.
Execute Cognition
Persona: Analyst
Execute the active cognition manually, or allow the cognition to execute per the schedule defined. Upon execution, the cognition logic will be applied to classify source data into the selected output destination in the GE Digital APM database.
Other APM Workflows
Persona: Analyst
The classified data is now available for use by other GE Digital APM solutions and workflows.