Manage ASO Analyses

About ASO Analyses

An ASO Analysis is a simulation-based module that works in concert with ASM to optimize the actions of your strategy.

About Components in an ASO Analysis

An Asset Strategy Optimization (ASO) analysis is made up of records and links as defined by the ASO Data Model. Specifically, an ASO analysis is a collection of Scenarios, Resources, and simulation results. An ASO analysis is represented by a System analysis record, which stores identifying information about the analysis and is linked to other records that make up the analysis.


Beyond understanding an ASO analysis at the entity level, it is helpful to visualize it at a conceptual level, where groups of records and links make up the main elements of the analysis. These elements are described in the following list:

  • Diagram: A logical, visual representation of the physical structure of equipment and locations, including the connections between them. Each ASO analysis contains one Diagram.

    Note: If you create an ASO analysis from an Asset Strategy, a Diagram will exist, but it will contain only an Asset element.

    A Diagram is represented by a System Subsystem record, which can be linked to System Subsystem, System Sensor, System Buffer, System Link, System Asset, and System Switch records. The items that these records represent are referred to as elements, which are simply the components that make up the Diagram itself.

  • Scenario: A representation of one possibility for managing the risk and cost for a given piece of equipment or location. A Scenario is represented by a System Scenario record, which contains all the identifying information for the Scenario and is linked to other records that help define the Scenario. Each ASO analysis contains multiple Scenarios and will always contain at least the following Scenarios:

    • Active Scenario
    • Proposed Scenario
    • Unmitigated Scenario

      Note: The Unmitigated Scenario cannot be manipulated in ASO. It represents the unmitigated strategy, or the strategy as it exists with only Risks and no Actions. The simulation results will include results for the Unmitigated Scenario, but you cannot modify the Unmitigated Scenario in ASO.

    An ASO analysis can contain additional Scenarios if you choose to create them. Except for the Unmitigated Scenario, each Scenario can contain the following components:

    • Risk: A component that identifies a specific way that a piece of equipment or location can fail, specifies the consequences of the failure, and includes Time to Failure (TTF) and Time to Repair (TTR) distribution data. A Risk is represented by a System Risk record, which contains all of the identifying information for the risk.

    • Action: A component that identifies a specific operation that can be performed against a piece of equipment or location. Actions include condition-based maintenance, procedures, redesigns, time-based maintenance, and training and may or may not mitigate Risks. Actions are represented by records in the System Condition Monitor, System Inspection, System Preventive Maintenance, or System Special Action families, which contain all the identifying information for the action.
    • Global Event:  A component that groups together actions that require a shutdown. Scheduling a Global Event can make a system more efficient by providing more time in which to run while still allowing maintenance and other actions to take place. A Global Event is represented by a System Global Event record, which contains all the identifying information for the Global Event.
  • Resource: A component of an ASO analysis that associates a cost with an occurrence of an action or risk. Resources are represented by a System Resource record.
  • Simulation Results:  The outcome of running a simulation against all Scenarios included in a given ASO analysis. Simulation results are stored in System Element Result, System Action Result, or System Resource Result records, which are linked to the root System analysis record.

ASO Analysis Example

This topic provides an example of ASO analyses to explain how ASO analyses are created and used.

This ASO analysis example involves a water bottling facility. The water bottling facility is a unit, labeled the Water Bottling Unit. This unit contains two systems: Water Collection System and Bottling System. Each system contains equipment that work together to complete a single process.

The Water Collection System contains the following equipment:

  • Water Pump
  • Water Tank

The Bottling System contains the following equipment:

  • Filling Machine
  • Capping Machine
  • Labeling Machine

The unit, systems, and equipment and the process in which they are involved are illustrated in the following image.

Note: In this example, the majority of the focus is at the Water Pump level.

An ASO analysis begins with an asset strategy, system strategy, or unit strategy. Our ASO analysis example includes the following strategies, where the indentation of the bullets indicates the structure of the strategies:

  • Water Bottling Strategy (unit strategy)
    • Water Collection Strategy (system strategy)
      • Water Pump Strategy (asset strategy)
      • Water Tank Strategy (asset strategy)
    • Bottling Strategy (system strategy)
      • Filling Machine Strategy (asset strategy)
      • Capping Machine Strategy (asset strategy)
      • Labeling Machine Strategy (asset strategy)
Note: For this example, each asset strategy has an active strategy and a proposed strategy that are different from one another.

ASM Records and Links in Our Example

The following image shows the records and links that are used to create the association between the Unit Strategy, one of its System Strategies, one of its Asset Strategies (Water Pump Strategy), and the Asset Strategy's Action and Risk records.

ASO Records and Links in Our Example

The following image illustrates existing records and links after the ASO Analysis is created. The colors in the image have the following meanings:

  • Orange: Identifies two separate Water Bottling Strategy System Subsystem records, which represent the Diagram in the ASO Analysis.
  • Yellow: Identifies two separate Water Collection Strategy System Subsystem records, which represent the Water Collection Strategy System Strategy.
  • Green: Identifies two separate Water Pump Strategy System Asset records, which represent the Water Pump Strategy Asset Strategy.
  • Gray: Identifies System Asset records that are part of the ASO Analysis but not the focus of this documentation.

Example Data

The Equipment record Water Pump contains the following values:

  • Name: Water Pump
  • Production Contribution: 100
  • Fixed Cost: 5000
  • Variable Cost: 50
  • Variable Cost Units: Per Hour
  • Lost Production Cost: 0
  • Lost Production Cost Units: Per Day

The Asset Strategy record that is linked to the Equipment record Water Pump contains the following values:

  • Strategy ID: Water Pump Strategy
  • Description: Asset Strategy for the Water Pump
  • Plan Length: 5
  • Asset Name: Water Pump
  • Asset Family: Equipment

Active Strategy and Proposed Strategy

Action Data

The following table shows the example data stored in the Action records that are linked to the Active Strategy record with the ID Water Pump Strategy.

Redesign Impellers

Name: Redesign Impellers

Action Type: Redesign (DSM)

Interval: 2

Interval Units: Years

Nonrecurring: Yes

Cost: 1,600

Shutdown Required: Yes

Replace Seals Name: Replace Seals

Action Type: Time-Based Maintenance (Preventative) (PM)

Interval: 2

Interval Units: Years

Nonrecurring: No

Cost: 2,000

Shutdown Required: Yes

Vibration Analysis Name: Vibration Analysis

Action Type: Condition-Based Maintenance (Predictive) (CM)

Interval: 3

Interval Units: Weeks

Nonrecurring: No

Cost: 0

Shutdown Required: No

Risk Data

The following table shows the example data stored in the Risk records (and the corresponding Risk Assessment records) that are linked to the Active Strategy record with the ID Water Pump Strategy. It also shows which Action records represent actions that mitigate the risk.

RiskRisk ValuesMitigating Action Values
Seal Failure

Name: Seal Failure

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 150.6

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 690.00

Name: Replace Seals

Mitigated Risk Rank: 3.6

Mitigated Financial Risk: 230.00

Bearing Failure Name: Bearing Failure

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 306

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 1,080.00

Name: Vibration Analysis

Mitigated Risk Rank: 3.6

Mitigated Financial Risk: 360.00

Impeller Failure Name: Impeller Failure

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 156

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 165.00

Name: Replace Seals

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 1.5

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 55.00

Action Data

The following table shows the example data stored in the Action records that are linked to the Proposed Strategy record with the ID Water Pump Strategy.

Note: Values that differ from the values in the corresponding Action record that is linked to the Active Strategy record are colored red.
Redesign Impellers

Name: Redesign Impellers

Action Type: Redesign (DSM)

Interval: 3

Interval Units: Years

Nonrecurring: Yes

Cost: 1,800

Shutdown Required: Yes

Replace Seals Name: Replace Seals

Action Type: Time-Based Maintenance (Preventative) (PM)

Interval: 2

Interval Units: Years

Nonrecurring: No

Cost: 1,500

Shutdown Required: Yes

Vibration Analysis Name: Vibration Analysis

Action Type: Condition-Based Maintenance (Predictive) (CM)

Condition Monitoring Type: Periodic

Interval: 4

Interval Units: Weeks

Nonrecurring: No

Cost: 0

Shutdown Required: No

Risk Data

The following table shows the example data stored in the Risk records (and the corresponding Risk Assessment records) that are linked to the Proposed Strategy record with the ID Water Pump Strategy. It also shows which Action records represent actions that help mitigate the risk.

Note: Values that differ from the values in the corresponding Risk record that is linked to the Active Strategy record are colored red.
RiskRisk ValuesMitigating Action Values
Seal Failure

Name: Seal Failure

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 150.6

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 690.00

Name: Replace Seals

Mitigated Risk Rank: 3.6

Mitigated Financial Risk: 225.00

Bearing Failure

Name: Bearing Failure

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 306

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 1,080.00

Name: Vibration Analysis

Mitigated Risk Rank: 3.2

Mitigated Financial Risk: 360.00

Impeller Failure

Name: Impeller Failure

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 306

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 165.00

Name: Replace Seals

Unmitigated Risk Rank: 1.5

Unmitigated Financial Risk: 55.00

Active Scenario and Proposed Scenario

Action Data

The following table shows the example data that is used in the Actions that are defined for the Water Pump Strategy and belong to the Active Scenario. Because the Active Scenario always reflects data that was mapped from ASM and these values cannot be changed, this table includes only the values that are specific to ASO and were not mapped from ASM.

ActionMitigated RiskSourceValues
Redesign ImpellersImpeller FailureSystem Special Action

Duration: 2

Duration Units: Weeks

Replace Failure Consequence: Yes

Replace TTF Distribution: Yes

System Risk Assessment Mitigated Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000^1

Name: New TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Weibull

Time Unit: Months

Beta: 4

Eta: 48

Gamma: 0

Replace SealsSeal FailureSystem Preventive Maintenance

Duration: 1

Duration Units: Days

Vibration AnalysisBearing FailureSystem Inspection

Duration: 1

Duration Units: Hours

Detection Probability (%): 90

Risk Data

The following table shows the example data that is used in the Risks that are defined for the Water Pump Strategy and belong to the Active Scenario. Note that this table includes only the values that are specific to ASO and were not mapped from ASM.

RiskMitigating ActionSourceValues
Seal FailureReplace SealsSystem Risk

Last Failure: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM

Fixed Unplanned Correction Cost: 1500

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost Units: Per Day

Planned Correction Cost: 1000

Planned Correction Duration: 12

Planned Correction Duration Units: Hours

Is Active: Yes

Is Latent: No

Failure Without Replacement: No

Number of Subcomponents: 1

PF Interval: 30

PF Interval Units: Days

Repair Immediately: Yes

Percentage of PF Interval to Wait (%): 0


Name: TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Weibull

Time Unit: Years

Beta: 4

Eta: 3

Gamma: 0

Enable Distribution Association: No


Name: TTR Distribution

Distribution Type: SingleValue

Time Unit: Hours

Value: 12

Enable Distribution Association: No

Bearing FailureVibration AnalysisSystem Risk Last Failure: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM

Fixed Unplanned Correction Cost: 2000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost Units: Per Day

Planned Correction Cost: 1000

Planned Correction Duration: 4

Planned Correction Duration Units: Hours

Is Active: Yes

Is Latent: No

Failure Without Replacement: No

Number of Subcomponents: 1

PF Interval: 6

PF Interval Units: Weeks

Repair Immediately: Yes

Percentage of PF Interval to Wait (%): 0

Exponential Name: TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Exponential

Time Unit: Months

Value: 60

Enable Distribution Association: No

Exponential Name: TTR Distribution

Distribution Type: Exponential

Time Unit: Hours


Enable Distribution Association: No

Impeller FailureRedesign ImpellersSystem Risk Last Failure: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM

Fixed Unplanned Correction Cost: 1500

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost Units: Per Day

Planned Correction Cost: 1000

Planned Correction Duration: 4

Planned Correction Duration Units: Hours

Is Active: Yes

Is Latent: No

Failure Without Replacement: No

Number of Subcomponents: 1

PF Interval: 0

PF Interval Units: Days

Repair Immediately: Yes

Percentage of PF Interval to Wait (%): 0

Exponential Name: TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Exponential

Time Unit: Months

Value: 24

Enable Distribution Association: No

Normal Name: TTR Distribution

Distribution Type: SingleValue

Time Unit: Hours

Value: 12

Enable Distribution Association: No

Action Data

The following table shows the example data that is used in the Actions that are defined for the Water Pump Strategy and belong to the Proposed Scenario. Because you can change the values that were originally mapped from ASM to a Proposed Scenario, this table includes the values that are specific to ASO and those that were mapped from ASM. In our example, however, we have not changed these values from their original ASM values. To distinguish between the two types of values, values that were mapped from ASM are colored gray in the table.

ActionMitigated RiskSourceValues
Redesign ImpellersImpeller FailureSystem Special Action

Name: Redesign Impellers

Action Type: Redesign (DSN)

Action Cost: 1600

Interval: 2

Interval Units: Years

Duration: 1.5

Duration Units: Weeks

Shutdown Required: Yes

One Time Action: Yes

Replace Failure Consequence: Yes

Replace TTF Distribution: Yes

System Risk Assessment Mitigated Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000^1

Name: New TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Weibull

Time Unit: Months

Beta: 4

Eta: 48

Gamma: 0

Replace SealsSeal FailureSystem Preventive Maintenance

Name: Replace Seals

Action Type: Time-Based Maintenance (Preventive) (PM)

Action Cost: 2000

Interval: 2

Interval Units: Years

Duration: .5

Duration Units: Days

Shutdown Required: Yes

One Time Action: No

Vibration AnalysisBearing FailureSystem Inspection

Name: Vibration Analysis

Action Type: Condition-Based Maintenance (Predictive) (CM)

Condition Monitoring Type: Periodic

Action Cost: 0

Interval: 3

Interval Units: Weeks

Duration: 1

Duration Units: Hours

Shutdown Required: No

One Time Action: No

Detection Probability (%): 100

Risk Data

The following table shows the example data that is used in the Risks that are defined for the Water Pump Strategy and belong to the Proposed Scenario. Because you can change the values that were originally mapped from ASM to a Proposed Scenario, this table includes the values that are specific to ASO and those that were mapped from ASM. In our example, however, we have not changed these values from their original ASM values. To distinguish between the two types of values, values that were mapped from ASM are colored gray in the table.

RiskMitigating ActionSourceValues
Seal FailureReplace SealsSystem Risk

Name: Seal Failure

Last Failure: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM

Fixed Unplanned Correction Cost: 1500

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost Units: Per Day

Planned Correction Cost: 1000

Planned Correction Duration: 8

Planned Correction Duration Units: Hours

Is Active: Yes

Is Latent: No

Failure Without Replacement: No

Number of Subcomponents: 1

PF Interval: 30

PF Interval Units: Days

Repair Immediately: Yes

Percentage of PF Interval to Wait (%): 0


Name: TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Weibull

Time Unit: Years

Beta: 4

Eta: 3

Gamma: 0

Enable Distribution Association: No


Name: TTR Distribution

Distribution Type: SingleValue

Time Unit: Hours

Value: 12

Enable Distribution Association: No

Bearing FailureVibration AnalysisSystem Risk

Name: Bearing Failure

Last Failure: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM

Fixed Unplanned Correction Cost: 2000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost Units: Per Day

Planned Correction Cost: 800

Planned Correction Duration: 2

Planned Correction Duration Units: Hours

Is Active: Yes

Is Latent: No

Failure Without Replacement: No

Number of Subcomponents: 1

PF Interval: 6

PF Interval Units: Weeks

Repair Immediately: Yes

Percentage of PF Interval to Wait (%): 0


Name: TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Exponential

Time Unit: Months

Value: 60

Enable Distribution Association: No


Name: TTR Distribution

Distribution Type: Exponential

Time Unit: Hours


Enable Distribution Association: No

Impeller FailureRedesign ImpellersSystem Risk

Name: Impeller Failure

Last Failure: 1/1/1999 12:00:00 AM

Fixed Unplanned Correction Cost: 1500

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost: 1000

Variable Unplanned Correction Cost Units: Per Day

Planned Correction Cost: 600

Planned Correction Duration: 3

Planned Correction Duration Units: Hours

Is Active: Yes

Is Latent: No

Failure Without Replacement: No

Number of Subcomponents: 1

PF Interval: 0

PF Interval Units: Days

Repair Immediately: Yes

Percentage of PF Interval to Wait (%): 0


Name: TTF Distribution

Distribution Type: Exponential

Time Unit: Months

Value: 24

Enable Distribution Association: No


Name: TTR Distribution

Distribution Type: SingleValue

Time Unit: Hours

Value: 12

Enable Distribution Association: No

Filter Analysis in Grid View

About this task

Note: This procedure is only available in System and Unit Strategies.


  1. Access ASO.
  2. In the Analysis Summary, select the Grid View tab.
    The Grid View workspace appears.

  3. In the upper-left corner, use the drop-down menu to select the value that you want to filter. The following options are available: 
    • Asset
    • Buffer
    • Link
    • Subsystem
    • Switch

    The value appears.

Modify Elements in Grid View


  1. Access ASO.
  2. In the Analysis Summary, select the Grid View tab.
    The Grid View workspace appears.

  3. In the appropriate row for the value that you want to modify, select .
    In the selected row, boxes appear.
  4. Modify as needed, and when finished, select .
    The value is modified and saved.

Modify the Analysis Definition


  1. Access ASO.
  2. In the Analysis Summary, select the Definition tab.

    The Definition workspace appears.

  3. Select .

    The Definition datasheet appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .

    The analysis Definition has been modified and saved.

Refresh All Distributions


  1. Access ASO.

  2. Select , and then select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to refresh all of the distributions in the analysis.
  3. Select Yes.
    A message appears, confirming that the distribution refreshed successfully.

Delete an ASO Analysis

About this task

Note: This procedure cannot be performed when the linked strategy is in a Pending Review state.


  1. Access ASO.

  2. Select and then .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the analysis.
  3. Select Yes.
    A message appears, confirming that the analysis is deleted. You are returned back to the ASM Strategy Details page.