PROACT® RCA Analysis-At-A-Glance Overview

Analysis and Team Data Subsection

The Analysis and Team Data subsection contains summary information about the RCA.

The following image shows an example of the Analysis and Team Data subsection of the PROACT® RCA Analysis-At-A-Glance Overview section for the example RCA.

The following table lists each item in the Analysis and Team Data subsection and the corresponding record field whose data is displayed in the report.

Report ItemRecord FamilyRecord Field
Analysis Name RCA Analysis Analysis Name
Principal Analyst Human Resource

First Name, Last Name

Note: These values are stored in the Human Resource record that is linked to the RCA Team Member record that contains the value Principal Analyst.
Team Members Human Resource First Name, Last Name
Team Charter RCA Analysis Charter
Critical Success Factors RCA Critical Success Factor CSF
Start Date RCA Analysis Start Date
Estimated Completion Date RCA Analysis End Date
Estimated Cost of Event RCA Analysis Cost


The Assets subsection contains information about the Asset records that are linked to the RCA Analysis record. The following image shows an example of the Assets subsection of the PROACT® RCA Analysis-At-A-Glance Overview section for the example RCA.

The following table lists each item in the Assets subsection and the corresponding record field whose data is displayed in the report.

Report ItemRecord FamilyRecord Field

Record ID

Equipment or Functional Location

Equipment ID or Functional Location ID

Note: This column contains the Record ID of each Equipment or Functional Location record that is linked to the RCA Analysis record.


Note: This field is populated automatically with the name of the family to which the piece of equipment or location belongs. If it belongs to the Equipment family, this field will be populated automatically with Equipment. If it belongs to the Functional Location family, this field will be populated automatically with Functional Location.

Status of Preserve

The Status of Preserve subsection contains the number of Preserve Records that have been created, completed, or assigned to RCA Team Members.

The following image shows an example of the Status of Preserve subsection of the PROACT RCA Analysis-At-A-Glance Overview section for the example RCA.

The following table lists each item displayed in the Status of Preserve subsection.

Report ItemDescription

Number of Data Collection Tasks Assigned

The total number of RCA Preserve Item records linked to the RCA Analysis record.

Number of Data Collection Tasks Completed

The number of RCA Preserve Item records that contain the value True in the Completed? field.

% of Data Collection Tasks Completed

The percentage of RCA Preserve Items records that contain the value True in the Completed? field.

Status of Analyze

The Status of Analyze subsection contains the number of Hypothesis and Verifications that have been created, completed, or assigned to RCA Team Members.

The following image shows an example of the Status of Analyze subsection of the PROACT RCA Analysis-At-A-Glance Overview section for the example RCA.

The following table lists each item displayed in the Status of Analyze subsection.

Report ItemDescription
Number of Hypothesis The total number of RCA Hypothesis records that are linked to the RCA Analysis record.
Number of Verification Assigned The total number of RCA Verification records that are linked to RCA Hypothesis records.
Number of Verification Completed The number of RCA Verification records that contain the value True in the Completed? field.
% of Verification Completed The percentage of RCA Verification records that contain the value True in the Completed? field.

Status of Communicate

The Status of Communicate subsection contains the number of Root Causes and Recommendations that have been created, completed, or assigned to RCA Team Members.

The following image shows an example of the Status of Communicate subsection of the PROACT RCA Analysis-At-A-Glance Overview section for the example RCA.

The following table lists each item displayed in the Status of Communicate subsection.

Report ItemDescription
Number of Root Causes Identified The number of RCA Hypothesis records that contain the value Cause - Human, Cause - Latent, or Cause - Physical in the State field.

Number of Recommendations

  • Approved
  • Created
  • Pending Review
  • Reviewed
  • Rejected
  • Superseded
  • In Progress
  • Implemented

The number of RCA Recommendation records that contain a certain value (e.g., Created) in the Status field.

Note: If there are no records that contain a certain value in the Status field, they do not appear in the report. For example, if an RCA Recommendation record contained the value Reviewed in the Status field, the value Reviewed would appear under the Number of Recommendations field, and the number 1 would appear next to it. If there are no RCA Recommendation records with the value Reviewed in the Status field, the value Reviewed does not appear under the Number of Recommendations field.