Approved Actions

About Approved Actions

Recommendations are actions for mitigation and improvement in GE Digital APM. Recommendations are classified as either Performance Recommendations (Recommended Actions) or Strategic Recommendations (Approved Actions), are viewed in the context of a strategic analysis, as the outcome of a strategic analysis. Approved actions communicate actions for the mitigation of risk, they are linked to individual assets, and they have an associated unmitigated risk rank. Approved Actions can be promoted to Actions in ASM, while Performance Recommendations, or Recommended Actions, cannot. There are common functions that you can perform with bot kinds of recommendations, but Approved Actions contain functionality that cannot be used in a Recommended Action.

Important: The functionality documented in Recommendation Management is system-wide. Recommendation information specific to one module will be documented in that module.

Approved Actions

Approved Actions are used to assess Risk, and are viewed within the larger context of an analysis. Approved Actions are sent to Asset Strategy Management for further execution. Approved Actions arise from an analysis and involve repeating activities. When promoted to Asset Strategy Management (ASM), these Approved Actions become Actions for the Strategy created and subsequently form the basis for Tasks created in the implementation process. The implementation process is where the strategy is executed.

Access the Approved Actions Section


  1. Access the Action Management page.
  2. In the Action Management page, select Approved Actions.

    The Approved Actions section appears.

Search Approved Actions


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions section, select .

    In the grid, filter boxes appear.

  3. In the filter box for any column, enter the search information.

    Your results appear.

Apply Updates to Approved Actions

If you modify actions after they have been implemented, you must apply those updates to the implemented actions. For actions that require updates to synchronize their implementations, the text Requires Update appears in the Implementation column for the actions in the Approved Actions section.

Before you begin

  • Modify action(s) in ASM as necessary. When you do so, the state assignment for the strategy is changed to Modified.


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions section, select the actions that you modified and that you want to update with their implementations, and then select .

    The updates are applied to the implemented actions. If any updates were unsuccessful, the Errors window appears, which contains a list of the unsuccessful updates.

Create New Calibration or Inspection Tasks

About this task

In the Approved Actions section, you can create corresponding calibration and inspection tasks for actions when you implement the actions.


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions section, select the check box in the row containing the action you want to implement via a new calibration or inspection task.
    Note: The maximum number of records that you can select for one implementation is 250.

    The action is highlighted.

  3. Select the Implement drop-down menu from the upper-right corner, and then select Calibration Task or Inspection Task.
    The Implement Calibration Task window or the Implement Inspection Task window appears, depending on which type of task you are creating.

  4. Select the Create New option, and then select Implement to create the new task.
    A message appears, confirming that the action has been implemented successfully.


  • A new calibration or inspection task is created.
  • In the Approved Actions section, in the Implementation column of the action you implemented, a hyperlink to the calibration or inspection task appears.

Create New Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement Records

About this task

In the Approved Actions section, you can create corresponding measurement location and lubrication requirement records to implement an action.


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions section, select the check box in the row containing the action you want to implement via a new Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement record.
    Note: The maximum number of records that you can select for one implementation is 250.

    The action is highlighted.

  3. Select the Implement drop-down menu from the upper-right corner, and then select Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement.

    The Implement Lubrication Requirement window or the Implement Measurement Location window appears, depending on which type of implementation you selected, displaying a list of measurement location or lubrication requirement records from Rounds to which you could link the action.

  4. Select the Create New option.

    A grid appears, displaying a list of available template types.

  5. Select the template type you want to use, and then select Implement.

    A message appears, confirming that the action has been implemented.


  • A new measurement location or lubrication requirement is created.
  • In the Approved Actions section, in the Implementation column of the action you implemented, a hyperlink to the measurement location or lubrication requirement appears.

Send an EAM Work Request

About this task

In the Approved Actions section, you can send a work request or a maintenance plan to create an implementation in the EAM system for the selected Actions.


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions section, select the check box in each row containing an action that you want to include in the work request.
    Note: The maximum number of records that you can select for one implementation is 250.

    The action(s) are highlighted.

  3. In the workspace, select Implement, and then select EAM Work Request.
    The Implement as EAM Work Request window appears.

  4. Select Send.
    A message appears, confirming that the work request has been sent successfully.


  • A work request is sent to the EAM system for the associated asset.
  • The work request contains details about each action selected, such as the action name, description, the strategy ID, site ID, as well as others.
  • The work request is created to alert the user that items need to be created to build out a specific EAM structure and ultimately to implement the strategy.

Implement an EAM Maintenance Plan

About this task

In the Approved Actions section, you can implement a maintenance plan to create an implementation in the EAM system for the selected Actions.


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions workspace, select the check box in each row containing an action that you want to include in the maintenance plan.
    Note: The maximum number of records that you can select for one implementation is 250.

    The action(s) are highlighted.

  3. In the workspace, select Implement, and then select EAM Maintenance Plan.

    The Implement as EAM Maintenance Plan window appears.

  4. Select Send.

    A message appears, confirming that the maintenance plan has been implemented successfully.


  • A maintenance plan is sent to the EAM system for the associated asset.
  • The maintenance plan contains details about each action selected, such as the action name, description, the strategy ID, site ID, as well as others.
  • The maintenance plan is created to alert the user that items need to be created to build out a specific EAM structure and ultimately to implement the strategy.

Send Approved Actions to an ASI Package


  1. Access the Approved Actions section.
  2. In the Approved Actions section, select the check box in the rows containing the implemented actions that you want to send to ASI, and then select
    The Maximum number of records that you can select for one implementation is 250.
    The button will be enabled only if one of the following conditions are satisfied:
    • The Asset is an equipment or a functional location.
    • The Asset has a CMMS system.

      The Send to ASI Package window appears, displaying a list of existing implementation packages that match the CMMS system of the Asset. By default, the Link Existing option is selected.

  3. If you want to send the implemented actions to an existing ASI package, select the package to which you want to link them, and then select Send.

    If you want to create a new ASI package and link the implemented actions to an existing ASI package, select Create New, then enter values in the available fields as needed, and then select Send.

    A message appears confirming that your items have been sent to ASI.