Windows Mobile Device Readings

Delete All Readings and Recommendations on a Windows Mobile Device

The following instructions provide details on deleting all the readings and recommendations that are currently stored on the Windows Mobile Device. These instructions assume that readings or recommendations are currently stored on the Windows Mobile Device.


  1. Access the Specify Download Settings screen.
  2. Select Delete All Data.
    A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to delete all the readings and recommendations from the Windows Mobile Device.
  3. Select Yes.
    All the readings and recommendations are deleted, and a confirmation message appears, indicating that the data has been deleted.
  4. Select OK.
    The confirmation message closes, and the Specify Download Settings screen appears, where the Delete All Data button is disabled.

Paste a Scan ID into a Reading or Recommendation on a Windows Mobile Device

About this task

When you scan a barcode or RFID tag, you will be navigated automatically to the checkpoint associated with that barcode or RFID tag. You can, however, temporarily disable this navigation and enable the Copy Scan feature instead. On a Windows Mobile Device, you can use the Copy Scan feature to paste a scan ID value into a reading or recommendation when you scan the barcode or RFID tag.

For example, assume you are creating a recommendation for an piece of equipment, and you want to include the scan ID for the piece of equipment in the recommendation. Instead of manually typing the ID value, you can use the Copy Scan feature to populate the recommendation automatically with the scan ID.


  1. Access the reading or recommendation into which you want to paste the Scan ID.
  2. Select the text box into which you want to paste the Scan ID (for example, the Description box).
  3. On the Options menu or at the bottom of the screen, select Copy Scan.
  4. Scan the barcode or RFID tag whose ID you want to paste into the reading or recommendation.
    The Scan ID value appears in the active text box. At this point, the Copy Scan button is automatically deselected, and the next time you scan a barcode or RFID tag, the associated checkpoint appears.

Record Readings

About this task

Note: These instructions assume that you are accessing the Readings - Detail screen from the Home screen. You can also use a barcode or RFID tag scanning device to access the Readings - Detail screen, if barcode or RFID tag scanning is enabled.


  1. On the Home screen, select View Routes.
    The Routes screen appears, displaying the Route records that were last downloaded.
  2. Select the row containing the Route that is associated with the checkpoint for which you want to enter readings.
  3. Select Detail View.
    The Readings - Detail screen appears, displaying the first checkpoint associated with the Route. The order in which the checkpoints appear corresponds to the sequence value of the associated Measurement Location records in the GE Digital APM Framework application. A checkpoint that is associated with a Measurement Location record with a sequence value of 1 will appear before a checkpoint that is associated with a Measurement Location record with a sequence value of 2.
  4. In the Value box, perform one of the following actions:
    List StatusAction
    If a list is displayedSelect a reading value from the list.
    If a list is not displayedEnter the necessary value.
  5. In the Action list, select the action that you want to associate with the reading, and then create a recommendation base don the reading value or the condition of the piece of equipment or location being inspected.
  6. Select Next.
    The reading value is saved, and the next checkpoint on the Route appears.
    • If the reading value you entered triggered an alert, the Readings - Alert screen appears instead of the next checkpoint.
    • If the reading value you enter triggers a conditional checkpoint to appear, the total number of checkpoints on the Route increases, and the additional checkpoint(s) appears on the Readings - Grid screen.
  7. Continue recording readings in this way for all the checkpoints on the Route.
  8. After you have entered a reading value for all checkpoints on the Route, when you select Next, a message appears, indicating that the Route is complete and asks if you want to view the Routes list.
  9. At this point, you can select one of the following options:
    Select NoRemain on the current checkpoint.
    Select YesThe Routes screen appears, and the Done check box is selected in the row containing the Route that you completed.

Record Readings by Selecting a Checkpoint Returned by Scan on a Windows Mobile Device

The Scan Results screen appears when more than one RFID tag is picked up by a single scan. You can use this screen to select the checkpoint for which you want to record readings. The following instructions assume that you are viewing the Scan Results screen.


  1. On the Scan Results screen, select the information for the checkpoint for which you want to record readings.
    The Readings - Detail screen appears for the checkpoint.
  2. Enter the readings for the checkpoint.

Delete a Reading on a Windows Mobile Device


  1. Access the Route that contains a checkpoint whose reading value you want to delete.
  2. Select Detail View.
  3. Select Next, and then navigate to the checkpoint whose reading value you want to delete.
  4. When the checkpoint that you want to delete appears, select Options.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Select Yes.
    The Reading value is deleted, and a blank Reading - Detail form displays the checkpoint.

View Recent Readings for a Measurement Location Record on a Windows Mobile Device

While taking a reading for a checkpoint, you might want to see a log of recent Reading records that have been linked to the associated Measurement Location record. For example, suppose the checkpoint dictates that you should inspect a smoke alarm and indicate whether or not it needs batteries. If your reading indicates that it needs batteries, you might want to see how many times in the past year the same smoke alarm has needed batteries. If you find that in the past year, the smoke alarm light indicator has signaled that it needs batteries, you might recommend replacing the smoke alarm.


  1. Access Rounds on a Windows Mobile Device.
  2. On the Home screen, select View Routes.
    The Routes screen appears, displaying the Route records that were last downloaded.
  3. Select Detail View.
  4. On the Readings - Detail screen select .
    The Reading History screen appears, displaying a log of recent Readings that are linked to the Measurement Location. Note that it displays only the Reading records that have been uploaded to GE Digital APM. In addition, the Windows Mobile Device will display only readings that have been completed, ignoring any Non-compliant or Ignored readings. By default, the screen displays the last five Reading records that were linked to the Measurement Location record.
    Each Reading record is surrounded by a box. For each record, you can:
    • See the date and time the record was saved to the Windows Mobile Device.
    • Select to view the comments that were saved with the Reading record. You can hid the comments by selecting .
  5. Select Close.
    The Reading History screen closes.
  6. Optional: Select Rec. History to access recommendation history.