System Analysis Records

System Analysis records store general information about a System Analysis. The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the System Analysis family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

Note: In the following table, the bold field captions identify properties that can be defined for a System Reliability Analysis on the datasheet in the Analysis Summary workspace.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage
Action Cost Plot Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the image of the Annual Action Cost plot.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Action Cost Trend Plot Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the image of the Action Cost Trend plot.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Analysis End Date Date The date on which the analysis ends (i.e., when the simulation will stop running).

This value is calculated by adding the amount of time defined by the values in the Period and Period Units fields to the value in the Analysis Start Date field. This field is populated automatically.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Analysis Name Character A value that identifies the System Reliability Analysis throughout System Reliability.

This value is populated automatically with New Analysis 1. You can define this field manually. The Analysis Name field appears by default in the Definition section in the Analysis Summary workspace and displays values that exist in the Analysis Name field to identify the System Analysis records that are displayed in the grid.

This field is labeled Name on the datasheet.

Analysis Result Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the data that appears in the Elements, Actions, and Resources grids.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Analysis Start Date Date The first date of the analysis.

You can define this field manually. This field is labeled Start Date in the Definition section of the Analysis Summary workspace. The amount of time defined by the values in the Period and Period Units fields is added to the value in this field to determine how long the simulation will run.

This field is labeled Start Date on the datasheet.

Confidence Number A numeric value that represents the confidence level of simulation results.

This value determines the Optimistic and Pessimistic values in the Histogram plot in the Simulation Results workspace. The default value for this field is 90. If you accept the default value, when you look at the Histogram plot, you will know that there is a 90% chance that the value in any cell in the grids in the Simulation Results workspace in the analysis lies within the range between the Optimistic and Pessimistic values.

This field is labeled Confidence Level on the datasheet.

Cost Plot Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the image of the Total Cost plot.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Cost Trend Plot Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the image of the Total Cost Trend plot.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Currency Character The currency used to display financial results in various places throughout System Reliability.

This value is set to $ by default. The Cost column appears by default in the Elements section of the Simulation Results workspace. The value that exists in the Currency field is included in the Cost column header. For example, if you specify $ in the Currency field, the label for the Cost column will be Cost ($).

This field is labeled Select Currency on the datasheet.

Description Text A text field that stores any additional information about the analysis.

You can define this value by entering text manually.

This field is labeled Analysis Description on the datasheet.

Histogram Bins Number A numeric value that defines the number of bins, or columns, that will be displayed on the Histogram plot. The default value for this field is 20. If you accept the default value, when you look at the Histogram plot on the Simulation Results workspace, there will be 20 bins on the Histogram plot.
Number of Iterations Number A numeric value that identifies the number of times the system will be simulated in order to compile simulation results.

In the simple Monte Carlo example provided in this documentation, one iteration represents a single roll of the dice. The more iterations you use in an analysis, the more reliable the simulation results will be. The default value for this field is 1,000.

The value you specify in the Iterations field must be compatible with the value that you specify in the Confidence field. The required number of iterations is dependent on the confidence boundary, as defined by the value in the Confidence field. The following equation is used to determine the required number of iterations:

Minimum Number of Iterations = 40/(1- Confidence Field Value)

In other words, the number of iterations must be high enough to provide a statistically significant confidence level. For example, a System Reliability Analysis with a value of 90 in the Confidence field would require a value of at least 400 in the Iterations field, as shown in the following calculation:

Minimum Number of Iterations = 40/(1-90%)

Minimum Number of Iterations = 40/.1

Minimum Number of Iterations = 400

If you enter a value in the Iterations field that is below the desired value, an error message will appear, and you will be required to specify another value before you can save the analysis.

Period Number A numeric value that identifies the time period over which an analysis occurs. By default, this value is set to 1. The value in the Period Units field determines the time units that will be applied to the value in the Period field.
Period Units Character The time units associated with the value in the Period field.

You can select a value from one of the following options:

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years
Random Seed Logical Indicates whether or not different random numbers will be used for the system-generated inputs for each run of the simulation so that different results are returned each time.

By default, this value is set to False. If the Random Seed field is set to True, different inputs will be used for each simulation so that different results will be generated each time the simulation is run even if you have made no changes to the analysis. If the Random Seed field is set to False, the same results will be generated each time you run the simulation, provided that you have made no changes to the analysis.

This field is labeled Enable Random Seed on the datasheet.

Resource Cost Plot Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the image of the Resource Cost plot.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Resource Occurrence Plot Binary A field that is used internally by the GE Digital APM system to store the image of the Resource Occurrence plot.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

Time Analysis Type Character A field whose value determines how results are displayed in the Total Cost Trend Plot and Trend Plot. By default, this value is Yearly. If this field is set to Yearly, the x-axis will display results for every year in the simulation period. If this field is set to Monthly, the x-axis will display results for every month in the simulation period.
Visual Attributes Text A field that is used internally by GE Digital APM and stores visual information, such as chart settings and diagram positioning.

You should not modify the value in this field. Doing so will cause the analysis to become corrupt, and you will no longer be able to open it.

This field does not appear by default on the System Analysis datasheet.

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