Setup Dialog Box
The Setup dialog box contains three tabs. The Display Setup tab is automatically displayed first when the dialog box is opened. Each tab is described below:
Display Setup Tab
Server/Group Dialog
Specifies the primary refresh rate (in milliseconds) at which the I/O driver, server, and group statistics are updated.
Valid Entries
1000 ms to 60000 ms
Default Value
1 second (1000 ms).
NOTE: If you specify a very fast refresh rate (for example, every 100 milliseconds), other driver tasks slow down as the driver works to constantly refresh statistics.
Item Dialog
Specifies the primary refresh rate (in milliseconds) at which the item statistics are updated.
Valid Entries
1000 ms to 60000 ms
Default Value
1 second (1000 ms)
NOTE: If you specify a very fast refresh rate (for example, every 100 milliseconds), other driver tasks slow down as the driver works to constantly refresh statistics.
Secondary Rate
Specifies the refresh rate that will be used if an error is received from the server. The primary (server/group or item) refresh rate is ignored and the refresh rate entered in this field is used. The refresh will continue at the secondary refresh rate until communication succeeds. The refresh will then automatically switch to the primary refresh rates.
Valid Entries
5000 ms to 360000 ms
Default Value
60 seconds (60000 ms)
Default Path Tab
Default Configuration File Name
Specifies the default I/O driver configuration file. This is the file that the server loads on start-up.
Default Path for Configuration File
Specifies the default path for the driver’s configuration file. If the server does not find the default configuration file in this path, it creates a new, empty configuration file.
Default iFIX PDB Tag Auto-creation File Name
Specifies the default name for the driver’s log file. A log file will be created automatically with the name you specify, that records all actions that you perform to add tags to the iFIX Process Database from the OPC Client driver.
NOTE: Changes made to the Default iFIX PDB tag auto-creation log file name do not take effect until the OPC Client driver is restarted.
The log file contains the following fields and is in .CSV format:
Field |
Description |
Date and Time |
The date and time the action was performed. |
Tag Information |
Displays the tag name, the tag description, and the tag I/O address. |
Status |
Success or Failed. If the status is failed, the error code is recorded. |
Stop SAC on File Open
Lets you stop SAC (the Scan, Alarm and Control program) when opening an OPC Client configuration. Typically, SAC continues running when you open or load an OPC Client configuration. However, we recommend stopping SAC prior to loading an OPC Client configuration if:
- You are loading a large OPC Client configuration.
- You are connecting to a slow OPC server.
- You are connecting to the OPC Client remotely.
Advanced Tab
Maximum Size
Specifies the maximum amount of memory that the OPC Client requires. The amount of memory specified is allocated and reserved but not committed until needed. The number is rounded up from the value you enter to the nearest value supported by your operating system.
Do not modify this field unless instructed to do so by GE Customer Services personnel.
Valid Entries
Value in bytes
Default Value
10000000 bytes
Growth Increment
Specifies the increment that I/O driver memory grows by when more memory is needed. The OPC Client rounds up the value you enter to the nearest value supported by your operating system.
Do not modify this field unless instructed to do so by GE Customer Services personnel.
Default Value
4095 bytes
Overrun Buffer
Specifies an area of memory that immediately follows driver main memory (defined by the Maximum Size field). The OPC Client rounds up the value you enter to the nearest value supported by your operating system. If you try to access memory in this area, an error is generated. You will also experience problems with your driver if your system attempts to use memory in the overrun buffer.
Do not modify this field unless instructed to do so by GE Customer Services personnel.
Default Value
4095 bytes
Authentication Level
Specifies the default authentication level for the connection between the Power Tool and I/O Server, and the connection between the I/O Server and OPC server.
Valid Entries
Authentication Level |
Configures |
None |
No client authentication or verification. |
Connect |
The OPC server to prompt for a user name and password. After you enter this information, the remote server verifies it and establishes a connection with the OPC Client. If the server cannot verify the user name and password, no connection is made. |
Impersonation Level
Specifies the impersonation level given to the remote server by the client. If the remote server does not require impersonation of the client, then this setting is ignored.
Valid Entries
Impersonation Level |
Configures |
Identify |
The server application to verify the identity of the client. |
Impersonate |
The server application to impersonate the client application only by performing processing tasks as the client application. The server application can impersonate the client application only on the computer running the server application. |
Path to Signal Conditioning DLL
Specifies the path to the DLL that provides signal conditioning for the OPC Client. Do not make entries in this field unless you are having problems finding the signal conditionings.
Default Value
Path to Error Resource DLL
Specifies the path to the DLL that provides all the error codes and text error messages for the OPC Client. Windows also uses this DLL to provide messages to the Event Viewer.
Do not modify this field unless instructed to do so by GE Customer Services personnel.
Default Value
Auto Create
When selected, prohibits you from creating servers, groups, and items automatically from within iFIX. If this option is selected, you must use the Power Tool to create servers, groups, and items.
NOTE: Whenever you enable or disable the Auto Create option, close all remote connections and restart the Power Tool in order for your changes to take effect.
When selected, allows you to create servers, groups, and items automatically from a client application, such as Process Database. When the client application attempts to access a non-existent object, the OPC Client automatically creates a new server, group, or item.
Default Value
- Whenever you enable or disable the Auto Create option, close all remote connections and restart the Power Tool in order for your changes to take effect.
- You cannot auto create an item with data array support enabled.
Auto Enable
When selected, prohibits the OPC Client from enabling any server, group, or item that is automatically created. This feature allows you to import a database without enabling any objects. Later, you can go back and manually enable any objects you want.
When selected, the OPC Client automatically enables any server, group, or item that is created with the Auto Create option. Auto Create lets you create servers, groups, and items automatically from a client application, such as Process Database. When the client application attempts to access a non-existent object, the OPC Client automatically creates a new server, group, or item. Using the Auto Enable option, the OPC Client enables the object when it is created.
Auto Start
When selected, prohibits the OPC Client from collecting data automatically. As a result, you must start the driver yourself, or use iFIX to start it for you.
NOTE: Whenever you enable or disable the Auto Start option, close all remote connections and restart the Power Tool in order for your changes to take effect.
When selected, the OPC Client automatically polls the process hardware for data. When you set up the OPC Client to run as a service, this option lets the driver collect data immediately on start-up.
NOTE: Whenever you enable or disable the Auto Start option, close all remote connections and restart the Power Tool in order for your changes to take effect.
Enable Children
When selected, all the children of any object are enabled when you enable the parent object. The children are the objects under the parent object in the Tree Browser. For example, the groups of a server are the server’s children. Using this check box, you can enable of all the server’s groups and all of its items when you enable the server.
Disable Floating Point Checks
When selected, the driver does not check the format of floating point values returned from the OPC Server. This is a global setting, and remains set until you clear the check box, or the driver is re-installed.
By default, this check box is cleared. When cleared, the driver will check the format of the floating point values returned from the OPC Server and generate errors for invalid floating point values.
See Also
Automatic driver startup does not work
What is causing the error "Databasemanager !Unable to locate Driver Image Table"?
How do I upgrade a GE OPC Server from one version to another?
Creating Items Automatically in iFIX Process Database
Using the iFIX Process Database Log File
I cannot connect to a remote server
Overview: About the I/O Driver Power Tool
Setting Defaults for I/O Driver Configuration File Name and Path
Setting up the Power Tool’s Environment
Starting the I/O Driver from the Power Tool
The driver loads but does not start polling
The OPC Client does not connect to a local OPC server after restarting my HMI software
Upgrading to the OPC Client 7.x from the OPC Client 7.x
How Do I...