Start the I/O Driver from the Power Tool

Click the following links for detailed process information.

 To start the I/O driver from the Power Tool:

  1. Specify a default path and configuration file name for the driver:
    1. From the Options menu, choose Setup. The Setup dialog box appears.
    2. Select the Default Path tab.
    3. Enter the configuration file’s default name and default path in the boxes provided.
  2. Configure your servers, groups, and items. Select the Enable check box for each server, group, and item you want to start.
  3. From the Display Mode menu, choose Start to start the driver. The driver processes all enabled servers, groups, and items.

If you want to start the driver automatically, you should also turn on the Auto Start option.

To turn on the Auto Start option:

  1. From the Options menu, choose Setup. The Setup dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Advanced tab in the Setup dialog box.
  3. Click the Auto Start On option button from the Server area.

See Also