Check Communication

Click the following links for detailed process information:

You can set up a single Data link and enable communications between iFIX and the process hardware with the OPC Client.

You must configure a group in the I/O Driver Power Tool first, then open a picture in the iFIX WorkSpace and set up a data link that accesses process hardware using the OPC Client. When you enter the I/O address, the item is automatically be created and the I/O Server starts polling for data.

 To add the OPC Client to a SCADA configuration and launch the Power Tool:

  1. Start the System Configuration Utility (SCU):

From the Start menu, point to Programs, then iFIX and click System Configuration from the menu that appears.

  1. From the Configure menu, choose SCADA.
  2. Click the question mark (?) next to the I/O Driver Name box. A list of drivers installed on the local node appears.
  3. Select the OPC Client and click Add. The SCU adds the OPC Client to the Configured I/O Drivers list.
  4. Save and exit the SCU.
  5. Start or restart iFIX.
  6. Start the OPC Power Tool:

From the Start menu, point to Programs, then iFIX and click OPC Power Tool.

 To configure a group with the Power Tool:

  1. Add a Server to the Power Tool.
  2. On the Server Properties Viewer, select the Enable check box.
  3. From the Display Mode menu, choose Stats Mode to verify that the driver is connected to the OPC server. The Power Tool displays statistics for the selected server.
  4. From the Display Mode menu, choose Config Mode to display the server’s properties.
  5. From the Edit menu, choose Add Group. The Power Tool adds a group to the Tree Browser, under the selected server.
  6. In the Properties Viewer, enter the appropriate information for the group and a unique name for the group.

 To add an iFIX picture that accesses the configured group:

  1. From the OPC Client Power Tool Options menu, choose Setup. The Setup dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Advanced tab and choose Auto Create On from the Server area.
  3. Start the iFIX WorkSpace.
  4. For detailed information on adding a datalink in an iFIX Picture, see the Adding DataLinks topic in the Creating Pictures e-book.
  5. From the iFIX WorkSpace:
  • In Ribbon view, on the Home tab, in the WorkSpace group, click Switch to Run.

- Or -

  • In Classic view, on the WorkSpace menu, choose Switch to Run.

This action activates the run-time environment. Data from the hardware appears in the link. If it does not, refer to the Troubleshooting section.

See Also