Set Up Historian for Linux on Predix Edge

Before you begin

  • Create a Predix account, and get access to a Predix Edge OS 2.5 device.
  • Ensure that you have a super-user access to the Linux machine on which you want to install Historian. This is required if you want to use the OPC UA DA collector.
Important: Before you install Historian for Linux on a Predix Edge OS for an ESXi Production image, you must ensure that you have access to the terminal. To get this access, contact [email protected].

About this task

This topic describes how to set up Historian on Predix Edge. You can also set up Historian on a generic Linux distribution.


  1. Access, and download the .tar.gz and .zip files for each application that you want to install.
  2. Access Predix Edge Technician Console (PETC).
  3. Upload the applications that you want to install.
  4. Deploy the applications that you want to install.
    The applications appear in the DEPLOYED INSTANCES section.
  5. Extract the .zip file for each application that you have installed. This file contains JSON files with the environment variables that will be used by the applications.
  6. Set the environment variables for each application that you have installed:
    Environment variables act as command line arguments for the Docker containers, which use the value of these environment variables to configure the application running inside each of them.
    Important: The Historian for Linux product license is deployed as a configuration of Historian Database application. To activate the license, compress your Historian for Linux product license, and apply configuration to Historian database application.
    Important: For OPCUA DA, Server-to-Server, and Server-to-Cloud collectors, ensure that you have set the environment variables correctly before applying the configuration changes. This is because after you have applied the configuration changes for a collector, you cannot set the environment variables. If, however, you must change the values of the environment variables after the applying the changes, you must change the InterfaceName and DefaultTagPrefix values. When you do so, a new instance of the collector is created. As a result, you must add the tags again.
  7. Compress the contents of each .zip file that you have extracted.
  8. After each application is deployed and running, apply configuration. Choose the .zip file for the application that you want to configure.
    • If you are using a Predix Edge OS device for an ESXi Developer image, to verify that the applications are running:
      1. Access the Edge OS machine using PuTTY. By default, the username and password is root.
      2. Navigate to the /var/lib/edge-agent/ folder.
      3. Run the following command: /opt/edge-agent/app-list

        A list of applications that are running appears.

    • To verify the logs of an application:
      1. Access the Edge OS machine using PuTTY. By default, the username and password is root.
      2. Navigate to the /var/lib/edge-agent/app/<name of the application>/data folder, and then access the logs folder.

        For example, for Historian database, the archiver/archives folder contains the .iha and .ihc files, and for all the collectors, the Logs folder contains the .log and .shw files.