Key differences between Historian for Windows and Historian for Linux

The following table provides a list of the key differences between Historian for Windows and Historian for Linux:

FeatureHistorian for LinuxHistorian for Windows
Predix Time series style REST APIsYesNo
Tuner (for the configuring Historian database)YesNo
Array datatypesNoYes
User-defined datatypes (custom structure)NoYes
Enumeration datatypeNoYes
Collector redundancyNoYes
Alarm and Event ArchiverNoYes
Diagnostic Manager for detecting faulty collectors and clientsNoYes
Proficy common licensingNoYes
Expose data as per OPCHDA server standardsNoYes
Alerts and messages are not verbalNoYes

Collector portfolio of Historian for Windows and Historian for Linux

Important: All collectors in Historian for Windows can connect to the Historian for Linux database and vice versa. The following table provides a list of collectors that run on Windows and/or Linux operating systems.
Collectors Linux HostMicrosoft Windows Host
OPCUA collectorYesYes
Server-to-Server collectorYesYes
Server-to-Cloud collectorYesYes
MQTT collectorYesYes
Windows Performance collectorNot applicableYes
OPC collectorNoYes
OPC Historical Data Access collectorNoYes
Calculation collectorNoYes
OSI PI collectorNoYes
iFIX collectorNoYes
CygNet collectorNoYes
Wonderware (Schneider Electric) collectorNoYes
File collectorNoYes

Clients that cannot run on Linux Host

Important: Clients listed below can connect to Linux Historian database and operate but they cannot run on Linux Host.
  • Historian Administrator (VB admin console)

  • ihSQL client

  • Excel add-in

  • Trend client