Environment Variables Used by Tuner
The environment variables used by Tuner are available in the historian-tuner-config.json file. The following table describes these variables.
Note: For a secure connection, add historian_tuner.admin in the UAA scopes and authorities.
Environment Variables | Description | Default value | Valid Values |
HS_LOG_TO_FILE | Indicates whether logs must be redirected to a file. If set to false, the logs appear in the Docker console. | false |
HS_NUMBER_OF_LOG_FILES | The maximum number of log files to be created. Once this value exceeds, the oldest file will be deleted to accommodate the new one. | 100 | 1 to 100 |
HS_SIZE_OF_EACH_LOG_FILE_IN_MB | The maximum size of a single log file, in MB. If this value exceeds, a new log file will be created. | 10 | 1 to 10 |
TUNER_SECURE | Indicates whether security must be enabled. | true |
OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID | The client ID of an OAUTH2 server. A value is required if the TUNER_SECURE variable is set to true. | ||
OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET | The client secret of an OAUTH2 server. A value is required if the TUNER_SECURE variable is set to true. | ||
OAUTH2_URL | The URL of an OAUTH2 server. A value is required if the TUNER_SECURE variable is set to true. | ||
https_proxy | The URL of a proxy server (along with the port number). |